Crossword- Across Flashcards
Fluid mosaic model
Used to describe structure of cell membrane
Form of endocytosis
Smaller substances are brought into the cell by forming vesicles at the cell membrane
Facilitated transport
Via proteins requires no energy input
Thyroid gland
Requires the active transport of iodine out of blood and into cells
Selectively permeable
A membrane that lets some things pass and not pass through
Movement of a vacuole out of the cell
Homogenous mixture where one substance is dissolved into another
Type of endocytosis
Larger substances are brought into cell by forming vacuoles at cell membrane
Receptor- Mediated endocytosis
Occurs when a substance binds to a receptor protein and causes another substance to be taken into the cell via vesicle formation
Will occur if plant cell is placed in hypertonic solution
Will occur if animal cell is placed in hypertonic solution
Occur if animal cell is placed in hypotonic solution
Kind of cells with large numbers of sodium/potassium pumps
Carrier proteins
Only carry 1 type of particle
Refers to a solution that is less concentrated when compared to another solution
The substance that does the dissolving in a solution
Smaller sized molecules
Tend to produce a higher rate of diffusion
Enzymatic proteins
Catalyze chemical reactions on cell membrane
Receptor proteins
Cause change to cell membrane when a specifically shaped molecule binds it’s binding site
Raise temperature = increased diffusion rate (faster molecules)