Cropping Systems Flashcards
Cropping System
A cropping system is like a plan for growing plants in a certain place. It includes choosing which plants to grow, how to plant them, and how to take care of them.
Types of Cropping System
Monoculture cropping
Mixed cropping
Crop rotation
Strip cropping
Monoculture cropping
Monoculture cropping refers to the practice of growing only one type of crop in a specific area or field, instead of a variety of crops.
Mixed Cropping
Mixed cropping involves growing two or more different crops together in the same field or area.
The practice of cultivating two or more different crops simultaneously in the same field, allowing them to grow together and mutually benefit from each other.
Crop Rotation
Crop rotation is a farming practice where different crops are planted in a specific sequence over time on the same piece of land.
Strip cropping
Strip cropping is a farming technique where different crops are planted in alternating strips across a field, often used on sloping land to reduce soil erosion.
Benefits of Monoculture Cropping
Economies of scale
Uniform crop growth
Simplified management
Benefits of Mixed Cropping
Reduction in pest infestations
Reduce risk of total crop failure
Variety of crops produced
Benefits of Intercropping
Enhanced soil fertility
Pest & disease management
Increased yield stability
Benefits of Crop rotation
Nutrient management
Weed control
Pest & disease management
Benefits of Strip cropping
Soil erosion control
Improved water management
Biodiversity promotion