Crohn's Flashcards
Principal Sx of UC
Diarrhea w/c is commonly bloody
Associated sx urgency or
tenesmus as it gets worse.
Colicky abdo pain due to constipation or loading
Toxic mega colon during severe flares
Inflammation spreads retrograde in a continous fashion
Crohn’s is more heterogenous due to variation in dse location/extent. Sx include
Abdo pain Diarrhea Weight loss Malaise Anorexia Weight loss
Intestinal obstruction due
Presentation based on location affected
Colitis with bloody diarrhea
Abdo pain
If ileal involved, RIF pain and obstructive sx
Small bowel involvement presentation Weight loss Nutritional deficiency Malabsorption Possibly fever
IBD shares many Sc with other conditions
Such as IBS
Functional disorders
Infectious gastroenteritis including traveller’s diarrhea
IBS Sx is longstanding with fluctuating severity but without alarm features or abnormal blood tests
Nocturnal sx suggestive gut inflammation.
Faecal calprictin is highly accurate in discriminating between IBS and IBD precluding the need for more intrusive and expensive test like colonoscopy and no alarm sx in younger low risks patients
When thwere is diarrhea without blood or with or without evidence of malabsorption (iron, vitD, folate def)
What needs to be done?
Celiac dse should always be excluded as it is more common than IBD
UC difference from crohn’s
Inflammation affects the colon only
Superficial layers affected and confined to the colonic mucosa
No granulomqs
No extracolonic dse
Continous retrograde beginning from rectum
Crohn’s difference from UC
Anywhere mouth to anus Discontinuous skip lesion Transmural inflammation Granulomas present Abcesses Fistula Perianal dse
In crohn’s relapse is confirmed by what?
Laboratory testing
In UC relapse is confirmed by what?
A flare symptoms which includes rectal bleedingwith an increase stool frequency
Bnormal mucosa at sigmoidoscopy
When definitive distinction bet UC and CD after history, endoscopic appearance, histopathology of mucosal biopsies and radiology this condition is referred to as
IBD-U (unclassified IBD)
Sx of infectious gastroenteritis (common) includes
Short-lived with an abrupt onset with sx at thier worst soon after starting
IBD has a more gradual, insidous onset with a cresendo or fluctuating pattern
IBD usually CD associated with weight loss. Anorexia the need to pass stool at night
IBS is 50 times morr common than what?
IBD (10-15%) 0.3% for IBD
Weight loss Elevated CRP Nocturnal diarrhea Blood stools Fever Obstructive sx Anemia Irondef Low albumin