CRM 1 Flashcards
What are the four types of CRM?
Strategic. Operational. Analytical. Collabarative.
5 key processes of CRM
Strategy development. Value creation. Multichannel integration. Information management. Performance assessment.
4 technology components CRM contains
Data warehouse.
Analytical tools.
Campaign management tools.
Name purposes/benefits on CRM
Identify prospects. Acquiring customers. Developing customers. Cross selling. Upselling. Managing mitation. Servicing. Retaining. Increasing loyalty. Winning back defectors.
4 steps of CRM
Identify customers.
Differentiate them.
Interact with them.
Customise offerings to them.
What does the IDIC model stand for?
Objectives of CRM
Identify potential customers.
Undertaand customer needs.
Differentiate customers. (Profitable and non).
Increase current usage of products/servives.
Increase customer service/ satisfaction.
Improve campaign management.
Win back lost customers.
Move customers up the relationship hierachy.
Intergrate sales and marketing efforts.
What are Gartners 8 competencies?
- CRM vision
- CRM strategy
- Valued customer experince
- Organisational collaboration
- CRM processes
- CRM information
- CRM technology
- CRM metrics
CRM defenition
A technology used to manage interactions with customers and potential customers