CRJU Final Flashcards
Labeling theory
Socially constructed as a criminal
- Lemert
- Becker
Edwin Lemert
Labeling theory
- primary deviance and secondary deviance
Primary deviance
Initial behavior that triggers a label
Secondary deviance
After the individual has internalized said label, they become available
Dramatization of the evil
Dramatization of the evil
Frank Tannenbaum
Frank Tannenbaum
Howard Becker
Master status
Master status
The label of deviance becomes the most identifiable
- your identity is constructed for you
Conflict model
Society is competing for power
- Thorsten Sellin
Thorsten Sellin
1) primary culture conflict
2) secondary culture conflict
Primary culture conflict
when two distinct cultures come into contact and one has more resources to impose their values onto the other culture
- (ex: English settlement)
Secondary culture conflict
One culture becomes so diverse that it becomes separate subcultures because there isn’t one shared value system
- whichever group has more power can have the ability to control other groups
Group conflict
George Vold
- crime is a minority group behavior (minority is not a number, it’s those who are disempowered)
- crime is always a political
Richard: social reality of crime
Those in power construct criminal definitions for those who are not in power
- (prop 1-6)
Prop 1
Law varies directly with stratification
- stratification = levels; vertical aspect of social life goes up or down and it comes from the uneven distribution of material wealth
- (all tools necessary to live)
Prop 2
Law varies directly with rank
- different ranks will have different amounts of legal protection
Prop 3
Downward lot is greater than upward law
- someone with more power will have greater success in bringing legal action against someone with less power and vice versa
Prop 4
Downward law varies directly with vertical distance but upward law varies with inverse distance
- the law increases in success as it is applied downward and law decreases with success as it is applied upward
Prop 5
It is easier for a conformist to bring legal action against a nonconformist and it is harder for a nonconformist to bring legal action against the conformist
Prop 6
The greater the conformity the greater the legal protection