VLE - 250 KIAS
What are the maximum pressure differential and associated warning?
Positive - 8.7 PSI
Negative - (-.5) PSI
During taxi, TO&L - .1 PSI
WARNING - Aircraft must be completely depressurized prior to opening any door. Failure to comply with this limitation could result in an accident, injury, or death.
Stall protection notes
- Stall protection system test must be accomplished before first flight of the day.
- Both stall protection switches must be ON for all phases of flight.
- Engine operation at or near shaker and pusher settings is predicated on an operable auto ignition system.
Use of flight spoilers
Policy - Flight spoilers must not be extended in flight below 1,000’ AGL (Manufacturer - 300’ AGL).
To ensure adequate maneuver margins, flight spoilers must not be extended in flight at airspeed below the recommended approach (Vref + 5 + 17) or maneuver (Vref + 10 + 17) speeds.
Bleed air - TO&L
10th stage bleed air must be closed for TO&L if the engine cowl &/or wing A/ICE systems are ON.
APU start cycles
Attempt Cranking time Followed by GPU Batt 1 15 sec 30 sec 2 min off 2 15 sec 30 sec 20 min off 3 15 " 30 " 2 min off 4 15 " 30 " 40 min off
Flap operating / extended speeds
Max flap operating speeds
1 230 KIAS 8 230 KIAS 20 230 KIAS
30 185 “
45 170 “
Enroute max temperature (greater than 10,000 to 41,000’)
ISA + 30 degrees C
Enroute max temperature (SL to 10,000’)
ISA + 35 degrees C
TO max temperature (SL to 10,000’)
ISA + 35 degrees C
Describe limits on APU
Allied Signal RE-220 (RJ)
Air conditioning in flight - not permitted above FL150
Engine start in flight - SE - N/A
Double engine start - permitted below 13,000’
Max altitude for start - FL300
What are minimum altitudes for autopilot use?
Operation with the A/P engaged is prohibited at altitudes below 600’ AGL, except as follows:
- For visual and non-precision approaches - 400’ AGL
- For precision approaches (ILS) - 80’ AGL
- IAW 14CFR121.579 - AWAC policy is to disconnect A/P at 50’ below the approved MDA or DH or listed limits, whichever is higher.
- The ADC source coupled to the active autopilot must the same as that coupled to the ATC transponder during flight in RVSM airspace.
Required RVSM equipment
- Autopilot (1) - must be operational
- Altitude alert system - must be operational
- Altitude reporting transponder (2) - one must be operational
- Air data computer (ADC) (2) - both must be operational
Minimum T.O. ambient temperature
-40 degrees C
Maximum T.O. (-1000’ to S.L.) temperature
50 degrees C
Operational fuel limitations
Center fuel - T.O. with a fuel load in excess of 500# in the center tank is not permitted unless each wing tank is above 4,400#
Min fuel for go-around - 450#/wing - as indicated with a/c level and assuming a max climb attitude of 10 degrees pitch up.
Max imbalance - 800#
Fuel tank quanity (pressure)
Tank Press.
L&R wing 7492#
Center 4610#
Total 19594#
Windshield wiper operation
- Must not be operated above 220 KIAS.
2. If wiper has failed in a non-parked position, airspeed must be less than 220 KIAS.
What is the engine type?
General Electric - CF34-3B1 (2 engines)
MCT values
Green - 0 to 874 C
Amber - 874 to 900 C
Red - 900+ C (do not exceed for more than 30 seconds)
Maximum transient oil PSI after cold start
156 PSI
130 PSI for 10 min max.
Engine must remain at idle until normal range.
N2 split between engines at ground idle thrust should not be more than 2%. If N2 is 57% or less with OAT -20 degrees C or greater, do not accelerate above idle.
Engine warm up and cool down policy
2 min warm up before TO thrust being applied.
2 min cool down after clearing runway.
Fuel grade and temp notes
TO with engine fuel temperature indicated below 5 degrees C is prohibited.
Crossflow (auto and gravity) must be off during TO&L
Max electrical load in flight
Load limit (kVA) Altitude Each main Gen APU 0 to FL350 30 30 FL350 to FL370 25 30 FL370 to FL410 25 0
Dry motoring cycle
Thrust levers at shut off, dry motoring may be used for engine starts (ground & air).
Attempt time on time off
1 90 sec 5 min
2> 30 sec 5 min
Max ramp weight
Max TO weight
Ramp - 75,250#
TO - 75,000#
Starter cranking limits (ground and air)
Starter must not be used if indicated N2 is less than 55% Attempt time on time off 1 1 min 10 sec 2 1 10 sec 3 1 5 min 4 1 5 min
Note - ITT before start must be less than 120 degrees C on the ground and 90 degrees C in the air.
What is the minimum pavement width required for a 180 degree turn?
What is the wingspan of the CL65?
69’ 6”
At idle thrust, what is the radius of the danger area in front of the engine?
At max thrust, what is the radius of the danger area in front of the engine?
Approximately how many aircraft lengths of space should be behind a CRJ if conducting a cross bleed engine start?
What is the radius of the danger area around the APU exhaust?
Maximum contaminated runway operations
TO Landing Standing Water .5" .75" Slush .59" .88" Wet snow 1" .88" Dry snow 3" 3.75"
Thrust reverser limitations
To prevent damage due to FOD, crews are requested to limit thrust reverser usage above idle unless 1 or more conditions exist:
- Runway length - 6,500’ or less
- Presence of contamination on runway
- Abnormal or emergency procedures are being followed.
- Thrust reverse may be used when any other factor which the crew feels might prevent the aircraft from being safely stopped.
Turbulence penetration speed
280 KIAS or M .75
- Max landing weight
- Max zero fuel weight
- Minimum flight weight
- 67,000#
- 62,300#
- 42,000#
Max demonstrated x-wind / tailwind
Dry - 27 knots
Wet - 24 knots
Snow/ice - 15 knots
Tailwind - 10 knots
Max fuel imbalance
T.O. - 300# / All other phases - 800#
Fuel quantities for gravity filling
Wing - 7290#
Center - Cannot fill
Total - 14,580#
Max tire speed
182 KIAS
Max flap/slat altitude
Cargo limits?
Forward - 1000#
Aft - 3740#
Fuel types accepted
Jet A, Jet A-1, JP-5, JP-8