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UOP CRJ 522 Week 5 DQ 1 The Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Offenders NEW
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The Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Offenders.
As discussed in Chapter 12 in the Bartol & Bartol (2015) text, in most circumstances, rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders is the goal of the criminal justice system as evidenced by the number of offenders ultimately being released back into society. This includes concerns for public safety, the behavior and performance of the offender as a functioning member of society, and the likelihood of recidivating. While some offenses, and therefore offenders, are deemed inappropriate for release (i.e. those sentenced to life without the possibility of parole or the death penalty), most offenders will have an ultimate release date included in their sentence. This poses challenges in how to address these offenders within the construct of their ultimately being released. Chapter 12 in Bartol & Bartol analyzes clinical practices in corrections environs.
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 5 DQ 2 Therapy for Antisocial Juveniles NEW
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Therapy for Antisocial Juveniles
Research continues to substantiate the increase of positive outcomes when psychological issues are identified early (in childhood or adolescence) and interventions are instituted at that time rather than when an individual has researched adulthood. Chapter 13 in Bartol & Bartol (2015) discusses the concept of multisystemic therapy for antisocial juveniles. Recognizing that some mental disorders cannot be properly identified until early adulthood, there are many, including parents, who suggest this is inappropriate and an unreasonable intrusion into parents’ rights and responsibilities in raising their children.
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 5 Assignment Psychological Treatment in Correctional Settings NEW
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This week’s reading assignments include chapters relating to the provision of psychological treatments in correctional settings. Chapter 12 discusses the findings of Boothby & Clements (2000) survey of psychologists working in state and federal correctional facilities across the U.S. Increasingly, the prison populations reflect a high number of inmates suffering from identified mental illnesses. This presents issues for corrections personnel who are responsible for the safety of prisoners as well as the safety of staff. The goals of the correctional psychological service providers may not be consistent with the overall goals of the institution. The mental health status of offenders impacts staffing considerations, both in number and in skills, of incarceration facilities. Large populations of inmates with mental health issues can impact the stress levels of staff, which can influence their job performance as well as their interpersonal relationships.
Address the following points in your paper
Discuss the impacts of the psychological make–up of offenders has on the functional responsibilities of incarceration facilities.
Discuss how the biases and assumptions of correctional service providers influence their assessment of and interaction with these offenders.
Explain your findings within the continuing context of the endogenous and exogenous theories of criminal behavior and the analysis of how our biases and assumptions influence our assessments of individuals.
Correlate your findings to the cultural-based behavior patterns specific to segments of the population with an evaluation of the potential impact and intervention strategies utilized to reduce the impact of stress on law enforcement personnel.
The Psychological Treatment in Correctional Settings paper
Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and
formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Titleofpaper
o Student’sname
o Course name and number o Instructor’sname
o Datesubmitted
Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 5 Assignment Psychological Treatment in Correctional Settings NEW
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 6 Final Research Paper Case Study Analysis and Findings NEW
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The final assignment for this course is a Case Study Analysis and Findings. The purpose of the Case Study Analysis and Findings is for you to utilize the knowledge and skills developed in this course to evaluate the psychological methods and theoretical models of criminal behavior as well as the police psychology and the psychological aspects of all participants in the criminal justice process relative to a specific criminal episode. An overview of forensic psychology as it relates to the criminal justice process should be included.
This course has addressed issues of psychological theory and practice relative to the functioning of the criminal justice system. These impacts range from the offender, to law enforcement and investigations, to practices and legalities of law in the courtroom, to the participation and impact of victims and witnesses, and to treatment and sentencing rendered in the correctional environment. Research continues regarding the biological, genetic, psychological, and social impacts on mental health and resulting behavior. These findings will continue to find their way into the legal implications of the psychological influences on behavior.
The focus of your Case Study Analysis and Findings paper will be based, in large part, on the weekly assignments you completed throughout the course. In each of the weekly assignments, you address a particular aspect of the overall criminal case and offender that you selected in Week One.
In the Week One Literature Review assignment, you provide the resources necessary for each phase of your final analysis and findings.
In the Week Two Case Summary and Offender Profile assignment, you provide an analysis of the behavior of the offender relative to the psychological history and evaluation of the offender.
In the Week Three Investigative Psychology assignment, you provide an analysis of the behavior of the investigators including the analysis of the crime scene. This assignment also describes the psychological, behavioral, environmental, and cognitive factors that influence the investigation, including intervention strategies to reduce the impact of stress on law enforcement.
In the Week Four Legal Psychology and Victimization assignment, you provide a discussion on the role of the psychological profile of the offender and the victims have on the presentation of evidence in court, including the analysis of legal psychology as it is implemented in the criminal justice process.
Finally, in the Week Five Psychological Treatment in Correctional Settings assignment, you provide a discussion on the impacts the psychological make–up of offenders have on the functional responsibilities of incarceration facilities and how the biases and assumptions of correctional service providers influence their assessment of and interaction with these offenders.
Utilizing your research and analyses completed for the Weeks One through Five assignments, consider the psychological methods and theoretical models of criminal behavior as well as the police psychology and the psychological aspects of all participants in the criminal justice process relative to the specific criminal episode selected in Week One. Present your findings within the continuing context of the endogenous and exogenous theories of criminal behavior and the analysis of how our biases and assumptions influence our assessments of individuals. Correlate these to the cultural-based behavior patterns that may be specific to certain segments of the population with an evaluation of the potential impact and intervention strategies that may be utilized to reduce the impact of stress on law enforcement personnel.
In your Final Research Paper
Evaluate the theory of criminal behavior related to the selected case.
Analyze the biases and assumptions that influenced participants in the case process.
Address each of these participants:
o Investigators
o Prosecutors
o Defenseattorney(s)
UOP CRJ 522 Week 6 Final Research Paper Case Study Analysis and Findings NEW
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 4 DQ 2 Intimate Partner Violence NEW
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Intimate Partner Violence
In Chapter 11 of Bartol & Bartol (2015), the topic of forensic assessment of family and intimate partner violence is discussed. As those within forensic psychology embark upon the treatment of intimate partner violence (IPV) there are many salient points upon which to focus. No longer is it deemed suitable within professional circles to treat only the perpetrator of family violence. The common approach in contemporary forensic psychology is a much more holistic method.
In this post
Address the utility of a multimodal approach to the treatment of family and intimate partner violence.
Answer the question of what is meant by a multimodal approach to treatment.
In addition, answer the query of how an open–ended interview might be the best technique for use in the
treatment of IPV.
UOP CRJ 522 Week 4 DQ 2 Intimate Partner Violence NEW
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 1 DQ 2 Forensic Science NEW
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CRJ 522 Week 1 DQ 2 Forensic Science NEW
UOP CRJ 522 Week 1 DQ 2 Forensic Science NEW
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CRJ 522 Week 1 DQ 2 Forensic Science NEW
UOP CRJ 522 Week 2 Assignment Criminological Theory NEW
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Criminological theory has undergone many changes over the years. From the relatively simplistic theories pertaining to physical appearance to the modern day psychopathy and biosocial conceptualizations, criminological theory has matured considerably over time. After completing reading Chapters 2, 8, and 9 of the Bartol & Bartol text, you will summarize a well–known criminal case including a description of the offense(s), the investigation of the crime, and the outcome. It is important in any investigation or analysis of criminal behavior to evaluate both endogenous and exogenous theories of criminal behavior and analyze how our biases and assumptions influence our assessment of individuals and the role of psychological profiling in law enforcement. It is also important to determine culturally–based behavior patterns that may be specific to certain segments of the population. Preliminary sources of this type of information may come from reliable media sources in their coverage of scholarly works as well as government publications of research findings. These may direct you to more focused resources for scholarly references.
In your paper
Identify and analyze the behavior of the offender(s) relative to the psychological history and evaluation of the offender(s).
Describe the psychological, behavioral, environmental, and cognitive factors that you believe led to the offender’s criminality. The goal is to provide an analysis of the psychological history of the offender as it pertains to the offense(s).
Summarize the psychological history of the offender as it pertains to the offense(s). Be sure to include as much information as possible regarding the offender’s childhood, adolescence as well as adulthood (if applicable) .
Provide examples of behavior that reflect psychological influences.
Discuss the nature of any mental health referrals or treatment that occurred and the outcome.
Identify psychological issues that were present, as demonstrated through statements and/or behavior of
the offender, but not identified or treated.
The Case Summary and Offender Profile
Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and
formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Titleofpaper
o Student’sname
o Course name and number o Instructor’sname
o Datesubmitted
Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course texts.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate
reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 2 Assignment Criminological Theory NEW
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 2 DQ 1 Drugs, Alcohol, and Sexual Assault NEW
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Drugs, Alcohol, and Sexual Assault Chapter 9 in the textbook addresses the issue of sexual assault. Reported incidents of sexual assault on college campuses, including military academies, continue to rise. Reported incidents of “date rape†and gang rape at parties and other social gatherings are also increasing. Unlike the laws concerning stalking that were discussed in this week’s reading, laws about sexual assault are clear, direct, and unambiguous. Yet, many offenders (and witnesses to sexual violence) have stated they did not interpret their actions, or those of the actual perpetrator(s), as sexual assault. What type and degree of social influence may be impacting this reported lack of understanding and awareness of sexual assault as a crime? What steps would you recommend, or endorse if they are already in place, as necessary to address this situation? Include information from your review of a relevant scholarly journal. Guided Response: Your initial post should be at least 300 words in length. Support your observations with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two or your colleagues’ posts by Day 7. Be sure to include how individual as well as social biases and/or assumptions influence one’s assessments of themselves and others, and whether you agree with your peer’s views – and why or why not. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) on Day 7, and respond with robust dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial post. Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.
UOP CRJ 522 Week 2 DQ 1 Drugs, Alcohol, and Sexual Assault NEW
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 1 DQ 1 Fact And Fantasy of Psychological Profiling NEW
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Fact and Fantasy of Psychological Profiling Psychological profiling is not a new concept. It has been practiced for centuries and has been the foundation of popular fiction from Sherlock Holmes to Clarice Starling. The Snook, Cullen, Bennell, Taylor, & Gendreau (2008) and Kocsis (2003) articles outline many of the preconceptions and misperceptions surrounding the field of forensic psychology as it is used in contemporary law enforcement. Television programs such as Law and Order, NCIS, Criminal Minds and the Mentalist have made psychological profiling a popular pastime. While the line between fact and fiction can often be thin and tenuous, the impacts that fiction and/or misinformation can have on reality can be enormous. What impact has there been, if any, on the public’s perceptions and beliefs about criminal behavior and the impact on law enforcement investigations, prosecution and trials due to the use of psychological profiling? Are these impacts positive or negative? Provide an example from your review of a scholarly journal to support your discussion. Guided Response: Your initial post should be at least 300 words in length. Support your observations with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two or your colleagues’ posts by Day 7. Be sure to include the impact of psychological profiling on how people view offenders, investigators and/or trial proceedings, and whether you agree with your peer’s views – and why or why not. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) on Day 7, and respond with robust dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial post. Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.
UOP CRJ 522 Week 1 DQ 1 Fact And Fantasy of Psychological Profiling NEW
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 2 DQ 2 NEW
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CRJ 522 Week 2 DQ 2 NEW
UOP CRJ 522 Week 2 DQ 2 NEW
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CRJ 522 Week 2 DQ 2 NEW
UOP CRJ 522 Week 3 Assignment Investigative Psychology NEW
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There is a documented psychology to criminal investigators and investigations. It is important to analyze how our biases and assumptions influence our assessment of individuals and to analyze and understand psychological profiling in law enforcement. This provides a platform to determine cultural-based behavior patterns that may be specific to certain segments of the population. It is also important to understand the impact of these events and the psychological ramifications for victims and for investigators.
After completing this week’s required reading, you will
Analyze the behavior of the investigator(s), including the analysis of the crime scene.
Describe the psychological, behavioral, environmental, and cognitive factors that you believe influenced
the investigation. (The goal is to understand the role these factors play in how an investigation is
conducted and potentially on the outcome of the investigation.)
Discuss what role, if any, the psychological profile of the offender played in how the investigation was
conducted and in any subsequent court proceedings.
Analyze how our biases and assumptions influence assessments of individuals.
• Describe how cultural-based behavior patterns specific to certain segments of the population impact these biases and assumptions, particularly relative to psychological profiling in law enforcement.
The Investigative Psychology paper
Must be at least three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Titleofpaper
o Student’sname
o Course name and number o Instructor’sname
o Datesubmitted
Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course texts.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
UOP CRJ 522 Week 3 Assignment Investigative Psychology NEW
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 3 DQ 1 Solving Crime NEW
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CRJ 522 Week 3 DQ 1 Solving Crime NEW
UOP CRJ 522 Week 3 DQ 1 Solving Crime NEW
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 3 DQ 2 Psychological Assessments NEW
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CRJ 522 Week 3 DQ 2 Psychological Assessments NEW
UOP CRJ 522 Week 3 DQ 2 Psychological Assessments NEW
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CRJ 522 Week 3 DQ 2 Psychological Assessments NEW
UOP CRJ 522 Week 1 Assignment Literature Review NEW
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CRJ 522 Week 1 Assignment Literature Review NEW
UOP CRJ 522 Week 1 Assignment Literature Review NEW
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 4 Assignment Legal Psychology and Victimization NEW
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This week’s reading includes chapters addressing the issues of legal psychology and victimization. Chapter 10 in the Bartol & Bartol text discusses criminal victimization and the practice of restorative justice. Individual bias and assumptions influence the assessments that are made about other people and about any given situation. Research substantiates culturally-based behavior patterns that may be specific to certain segments of the population, including victimology.
In your paper
Discuss the role the psychological profile of the offender(s) and the victim(s) had on the presentation of evidence in court by the prosecution and by the defense, including the use of witnesses. (The goal is to analyze legal psychology as it is implemented in the criminal justice process as well as services provided to victims.)
Discuss the role the psychological profile of the offender(s) and victim(s) had on the trier of fact (the judge and/or the jury) and on the sentencing. (The goal is to analyze correctional psychology as it is implemented in the criminal justice process as well as services provided to victims.)
The Legal Psychology and Victimization paper
Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Titleofpaper
o Student’sname
o Course name and number o Instructor’sname
o Datesubmitted
Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course texts.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 4 Assignment Legal Psychology and Victimization NEW
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UOP CRJ 522 Week 4 DQ 1 Monocultural Psychology NEW
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Monocultural Psychology
According to statistics, by the year 2050, 50% of the U.S. population is expected to consist of ethnic minorities. As the United States continues to move toward an increasingly pluralistic society, cultural nuances and differentiation must be acknowledged in the application and practice of forensic psychology. In Chapter 10 of the Bartol & Bartol (2015) text, the issues pertaining to multiculturalism are discussed.
As you examine the many issues pertinent to a pluralistic society, answer the following questions in your post:
Why would an approach based on monocultural psychology be considered limiting when attempting to
deal with a more diverse population?
What obstacles could be in existence that could potentially prevent or discourage an immigrant from
seeking assistance from social services or mental health facilities?
UOP CRJ 522 Week 4 DQ 1 Monocultural Psychology NEW
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