Mary Beth Rose
the play collapses under its own contradictions.
Christina Luckyj
Duchess impulse
‘acts on human impulses in the name of virtue only to discover that she cannot control the consequences of her choices.’
Jon Russel Brown
political relevance
‘the story of the tragedy was a syndrome for contemporary issues.’
C.V Boyer
Bosola’s death
‘his previous conduct has been too wicked for us to lament his fall as that of a morally good man.’
F.L Lucas
horrors of war
‘too many of the present generation have stumbled..among corpses on the battlefields of France to be much impressed.’
F.L. Lucas
Brothers outlive the Duchess
‘it lives too long, when it outlives the heroine.’
Lord David Cecil
Corruption and perspective
‘the world as seen [by Webster] is of its nature incurably corrupt.’
Dominic baker smith
‘Webster’s God, unlike his devil, is a hidden one.’
his text Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft