critics Flashcards
Rena Sanderson about ‘flapperdom’
‘Flapperdom stood for a individual rebellion against the old pieties and restraints’
Roger Lewis about love and money and popular american fiction
‘one characteristic of popular American fiction is the implicit serperation of love and money. possession of one does not lead to possession of the other’
Roger lewis about daisy’s charm
(for gatsby) daisy’s charm is allied to the attraction of wealth; money and love hold similar attractions’
Sarah churchwell about destiny
’ Although he can make money he can’t make destiny’
Lionel Trilling about America
Gatsby ‘ comes inevitably to stand for America itself’
Tyson about capitalist culture
the novel is a ‘scathing critique of American capitalist culture’
Michelle McMechan about daisys name
‘The impressions generated by Daisy Fayes name are of sunshine, transience and vague unreality’
Judith Fetterley about women without power
‘women who themselves have no actual power, become symbolic of the power of moneyed men’
Ros Rosenbourn about Meyer wolfsheim
‘Wolfshiem is the symbol of all that is corrupt in America’
Jacqueline Lance about cars and social ill
‘Fitzgerald was creating a trope in which the automobile stands for a lager social ill’
Jaqueline lance about how characters act behind the wheel
‘The way the behave behind the wheel strongly indicates their attitude towards life’
F. Scott Fitzgerald, “Echoes of the Jazz Age” (1931) about nervous energy
‘something had to be done with all the nervous energy stored up and unexpended in the war’
Christine Ramos about tom reducing people to ashes
’ By attempting to maintain his way of life, tom has reduced whole people to ashes without any thought of consequence’
Forward about consumerism and the dream
‘unbridled consumerism posed a threat to the purity of the American Dream’
Roger lewis about sterile world
‘in the sterile world he inhabits, he sees that the pursuit of money is a substitute for love’