CRITICS Flashcards
1) ‘the white man is sealed in his whiteness. The black man in his blackness’
2) ‘ I…persuade my brother whether white or black to tear off the shameful livery put together by centuries of incomprehension
3) ‘ the black soul is a white man’s artefact’
hunter othello
‘the basic and ancient sense that black is the colour of sin and death’
leavis othello
‘othello is too stupid to be regarded as a tragic hero’
h fisher othello
‘romantic love is an obsession, you lose your sense of self and distort reality’
Honigmann othello
‘both are outsiders, othello as moor, Iago as a malcontent with a grudge against priviledge
Adamson Iago
‘Iago is more a catalyst that precipitates destruction rather than a devil that causes it
Mehl Iago
‘Iago is a satanic tempter’
Newman Iago
‘Iago is a cultural hyperbole
Auden Iago
‘Iago is the joker of the pack’
Honigmann Iago
‘christianity is a mask worn consciously by Iago’
Newman Desdemona
‘desdemona suffers the traditional fate of the desiring woman although Othellos race makes the audience have sympathy
Rymer Desdemona
‘its a caution to maidens’
Bradley desdemona
‘desdemona is helplessly passive’
Loomba Shakespeare
‘venice, a place of female deviance’
john quincy adams shakespeare
‘the great moral lesson of Othello is that black and white blood cannot be intermingled in marriage without a gross outrage on the law of nature’