Criticisms of functionalism and education - Flashcards


Gives criticisms of functionalism within education -

. Ignores education’s dysfunctionality.
. The claim that education is fair and meritocratic does not consider the impact of inequality created by social divisions like class and ethnicity on an individual. For example the poorer working class do not benefit as we are required to wear required school uniform to a certain standard and arrive on time often by means of travel the school does not concern themselves with. And the fact that the wealthy can give their children a private education and guarantee better results at any point they choose. Also many people of colour do not benefit as their ancestors and culture are completely disregarded in many school subjects such as history as the national curriculum is extremely ethnocentric. 
. Role allocation does not give the pupil their choice - unfair.
. Schools don't offer manual labour skills such as building or farming as they over value functionalist, capitalist subjects, not necessarily beneficial to economy.
. Does it succeed in transmitting the correct values to all pupils? What values do they learn?
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