Critical Reasoning Flashcards
When I see “therefore” on a critical reasoning statement, I will…
know that this is a conclusion
When I see “thus” on a critical reasoning statement, I will…
Know this is a conclusion
When I see “so” on a critical reasoning statement, I will…
Know this is a conclusion
When I see “therefore” on a critical reasoning statement, I will…
Know this is a conclusion
When I see more than 1 conclusion in a critical reasoning question question, I will..
Use the nevertheless test:
Because Conclusion A, therefore Conclusion B
Because Conclusion B, therefore Conclusion A
The one that makes sense means that the first statement is the intermediate conclusion and the second statement is the conclusion.
When I see “describe the role”, I will…
State that the goal is to identify the roles (building blocks) of the boldface portions of the argument
When I see “Describe the argument”, I will…
State that the goal is to describe how a certain piece of information affects the argument.
Which family does “describe the role” belong to?
Structure-based Family
Which family does “describe the argument” belong to?
Structure-based Family
Which family does “Find the Assumption” belong to?
Assumption-based Family
Which family does “Strengthen the Argument” belong to?
Assumption-based Family
Which family does “Weaken the Argument” belong to ?
Assumption-based Family
Which family does “Evaluate the Argument” belong to?
Assumption-based Family
Which family does “Find the Flaw” belong to?
Assumption-based Family
Which family does an inference question belong to?
Evidence-based Family