Critical reading Carol Flashcards
how to read
main idea skimming
Eliminate choices that are
- off-topic
- too much information
- very negative
- insulting or disrespectful
- theatrical words
- authors tone/attitude
- absolute words
- silly or ridiculous
Eliminate answer choices that are off-topic
if a passage is about a particular person or thing, that person or thing and/or the main idea is mentioned in most of the correct answers, generally in a positive or at least a neutral way
Eliminate answer choices that require too much information
- Describe several plans
- examine several theories
- historical discussion
- three objects
- and other
- detail events form beginning to end
- complex
- scholarly
Eliminate answer choices that are very negative
- bitter
- cynical
- suicidal
- desperate
- hateful
- disappointed
- skeptical
- upset
- concerned
- opposed to
- criticize
Eliminate answer choices that are insulting or disrespectful to anybody
- particularly professionals
- even a little bit
- ex. the two doctors were eager to surpass each other’s accomplishments
- The audience lost interest in Shakespeare’s production of Hamlet
- scientist didnt understand basic theories
- authors characters far more interesting than she is
- astronomer wasn’t adequately educated
- may be that professional made a mistake that was wrong in someones view
Eliminate theatrical words
- awestruck
- shocked
- intense
- stunned
- wonderstruck
- yearn
- excessively
- overly
- finally-true
- deep
- constantly
- outright
- earnest
- outraged
- lament
- nostalgia
Eliminate answers- authors tone or attitude
- negative (angry)
- insulting (unimpressed)
- theatrical (in awe)
- indifferent (uncaring, uninterested)
- passive (submissive)
- ambivalent (uncertain, indecisive)
- confused
- will not be disengaged from or confused about their subjects
- emphatic
- decisive
- vehement
- (state with) conviction
Eliminate answer choices that use absolute words
- must
- never
- every
- always
- cannot
- totally
- impossible
- solely
- all
- can
- might
- may
- some
- should
- often
- most
- suggest
- generally
- Demand
- refute
- insist
- fear
- warn
- urge
- veiled
- confession
Eliminate answer choices that are silly or ridiculous
- ex. people weren’t interested in food or shelter
- the children ran the government while the adults were idle