Critical Quotes - Paradise Lost and Volpone Flashcards
Carey 1
‘Milton’s effort to encapsulate evil in Satan was not successful …. Some of the most distinguished have claimed that he is superior in character to Milton’s God.’
Carey 2
‘Satanist critics generally emphasize Satan’s courage, anti-satanists his selfishness or folly’
‘From first to last Eve takes and keeps the initiative … Adam, whom Eve expects to be firm, suddenly weakens’
‘By granting his permission Adam becomes involved in what happens to her’
Dr Johnson 1779
‘There appears in his books something like a Turkish contempt of females, as subordinate and inferior beings’
‘Her otherness … leads inexorably to her demonic anger’
Weston 1
‘It seems unfair to suggest that Eve is here motivated entirely by a calculation to deceive’
‘The capacity induce a sympathetic understanding of villainy without sentimentalizing the villain is a mark of Johnson extreme skill … The same feat later accomplished with Milton’s Satan.
‘Volpone is a satanic challenger to God’s order and Society’s’
‘The audience in Tyrone Guthrie’s 1964 production famously applauded the rape scene’
‘In her desire to be a martyr to chastity, it comes across as a masochistic response to voyeuristic sadism’
Volpone a demonstration of ‘man’s compulsion to make others suffer’
Johnson brings out ‘moral impulses in his audience by dramatizing a world which has lost all ability to do so’
Weston 2
‘Passion as a result of flattery rules her reason’
‘Eve did not have to utter a word to persuade him’
Stanley Fish
‘Small language effects can trick the reader into heretically thinking’ - e.g. ‘For what God, after better, would worse build?’
CS Lewis
‘Eve decides that if she is to die, Adam must die with her’ in this sense she is a ‘murderess’