Critical Perspectives- A05 Flashcards
Karl Marx- idea of marxism
society is capitalist, based on making profit rather than the interest of the people
the proletariat make money for the bourgeoisie
2 classes in conflict leads to social unrest
Karl Marx said…
because Milton sold the publishing rights for £5 meaning
he “ thus became a merchant, Milton produced PL as a silkworm produces silk as the activation of his own nature”
Key ideas of Feminism
women are oppressed as they are only valued for looks and societal function- wives and mothers
woman are second sex- seen as less important
feminist critics may argue…
Miltons work is a outpouring of misogynism as Eve is presented with stereotypical negative traits if women
Philip Gallegaher 1990- Feminism
Argued Milton is “the greatest feminist of Western Literature” – especially separation scene as it suggests Adam knew what he was doing and Eve was tricked
Key ideas of Aristotelian Tragedy
change of fortune from good to bad
suffering that creates pathos in audience leading to catharsis a realisation of the cause of the misery
Aristotelian Tragedy– tragic hero
be morally good
excessive hubris
make tragic hamartia
Aristotelian Tragedy applied
Satan who’s hubris is his harmatia
Book IX seems to be a self contained Aristotelian Tragedy- after poem turns to idea of destiny
Idea of Deconstructive Theory
- language is a system of signs; words only have meaning because of the contrast between these signs
- within these binary opposites there is a hierarchy
- a reading of a text will try to expose these oppositions work
Deconstructive reading…
contrary languages– prelapsarian direct and logical
and postlapsarian full of tropes and tricks thus highlighting the binary oppositions of two worlds
Carl Jung– ideas of Jungism
all people share a collective unconscious
as we are not aware, these archetypes can only be concluded indirectly by examining human behaviour
Jung’s theory of archetypes…
Adam and Eve as ‘the child.’ symbolic rebirth out of Eden symbolises beginnings
Sigmund Freud-psychoanalytical theory
this theory suggest the psyche is made of three parts;
- the id – from birth, unconscious
- the ego – decision making part, works by reason
- the super ego – reflects values and morals of society , it is our conscience- experience gulit
- the opedius complex- all boys want to sleep with their mothers
Freudian reading…
Satans inner conflict represents inner battle between id and superego– with Eve’s beauty
parallels with god and heaven, satan and hell– may be argued satan is the strongest
Key ideas of Nietzschean
- life is without objective meaning, purpose and value, there is no god- belief is called nihilism
- absence of god creates superhuman who risk all to improve society