Critical Lens Flashcards


How can we link a Marxist criticism?


• within a dolls house it is clear to audiences the strict societal constructs that are placed on not only women and men but marriage as a whole. A principle tenet of Marxist criticism explains that human consciousness is a product of social conditions and that human relationships are built upon economic considerations. This is clear as Nora deceives torvald at the beginning portraying herself as a perfect, obedient Victorian wife. However this is strictly due to the pressure placed onto her by society. The only thing she has known is to be a subservient wife and daughter to both her father and husband. This can then be linked to a “false consciousness” which explains that Nora creates this facade simply due to her subconscious mind not knowing anything else. Though by the climax of the okay Nora escapes this “false consciousness” and decides to make a shocking exit sacrificing her family for her individuality.

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