Critical Care Concepts Flashcards
During resuscitation, what circumstances (9) mandate contact with clinical advice line within 15min of starting CPR?
What is the general discontinuation criteria?
What is the rapid discontinuation criteria?
Verification of death exam parts?
When deciding to commence or withhold resuscitation, what legal factors need to be considered?
Describe the “Bundles of Care” for cardiac arrest management
What are the expected pre-ductal SpO2 in the neonate?
Describe the neonatal resuscitation algorithm
Describe the paediatric cardiac arrest algorithm
Describe post-ROSC management
Describe the traumatic arrest management algorithm
Describe strategies for managing cardiac arrest with suspected asthmatic/lung disease aetiology
Discuss management of CPR-induced consciousness
Describe management of hypothermic cardiac arrest
Consider prolonging resuscitation until warmed
# Consider transfer to ECMO-available hospital
# If < 30 deg and in PEA, assess for pulse over 1 minute and consider EtCO2 or USS if available to confirm cardiac output. CPR may precipitate VF in this cohort
# WITHHOLD drugs until warmed to > 30 deg
# >30 and <35 deg, double drug intervals ie adrenaline Q8min
# >35 deg revert to normal drug intervals
# If <30 deg & in VT/VF, give 3x DCCS then withhold until >30deg
Discuss issues with ventilation in obese patients
How should an arrest with a PPM/ICD in situ be managed?
Place defibrillator pads >8cm from device
# AP and AL positions both acceptable