Criteria Flashcards
Right atrial enlargement (P pulmonale)
Lead II and V1 (高>2.5格 in inferior leads)
- No change in duration
- Possible R axis dev.
Left atrial enlargement (P mitrale)
Lead II and V1 (terminal/negative portion 寬>1格)
*No L axis dev due to dominance
Limb leads: QRS R axis dev (>+100)
Precordial leads: R>S in V1, S>R in V6
Limb leads: # R I + S III >25 mm (25 小格) # R VL > 13 # R I > 14 # R VF > 21 Precordail leads: # R V5/V6 + S V1/V2 > 35 mm # R V5 > 26 # R V6 > 18 # R V6> R V5
*Axis dev little help due to L predominance
Secondary repolarization abnormalities of ventricular hypertrophy
1) Down-sloping ST
2) T wave inversion
- RVH: V1, V2
- LVH: I, aVL, V5, V6
- decompensated HTN–> CHF
- QRS> 0.12 sec (3格)
- RSR’ in V1 and V2 (rabbit ears) with ST-depression and T inversion
- Reciprocal change in V5, V6, I, aVL (deep S waves)
- QRS> 0.12 sec (3格)
- Notched R wave with prolonged upstroke in V5, V6, I, aVL with ST-depression and T inversion
- Reciprocal change in V1, V2 (deep S waves)
- L axis dev may present
Left anterior hemiblock
- Normal QRS, ST, T
- L axis dev b/t -30 to -90 degrees
- No other cause of L axis dev is present
Left posterior hemiblock
- Normal QRS, ST, T
- R axis dev b/t +90 to +180 degrees
- No other cause of R axis dev is present
Bifascicular block
RBBB + R or L fascicular hemiblock
WPW syndrome
- PR less than 0.12 sec
- Wide QRS
- Delta wave in some leads
LGL syndrome
- PR less than 0.12 sec
- Normal QRS
- No delta wave
Significant Q wave
- Wide: >0.04 sec (1格)
2. Deep: >1/3 R in the same QRS
Posterior MI
STD and tall R in anterior leads (esp V1)
Who needs emergent reperfusion?
- STE≥ 1 mm in two contiguous leads (incl posterior)
- New/resumed new LBBB
- LBBB (new/old) with Sgarbossa criteria