Criminal Sociology Flashcards
It is the study of human society, its origin structure, functions and direction.
a. criminology
b. sociology
c. psychology
d. anthropology
The science of classifying the physical characteristics.
a. free will
b. positivism
c. atavism
d. somatology
The approach that is using the perspective of heredity in explaining the cause of crime.
a. geographical approach
b. biological approach
c. psychiatric application
d. psychological application
Biological Approach
The purpose of penalty in the positivism school of criminology.
a. retribution
b. rejection
c. reformation
d. restoration
Reformation/ deterrence
It is the study of formation of the skull in relation to the behavior of the criminal.
a. entomology
b. penology
c. phrenology
d. criminology
Science concerned with improving the quality of offspring.
a. criminology
b. eugenics
c. genetics
d. heredity
Commonly known as victimless crime:
A.occassional crime
B.political crime
C.public order crime
D. conventional crime
Public order crime
A child whose basic needs have been deliberately unattended.
a. abandoned child
b. dependent child
c. abusive child
d. neglected child
Neglected child
The principle that events including criminal behavior that has sufficient causes..
a. atavism
b. narassism
c. determinism
d. positivism
An established and generally accepted moral values refer to.
a. integrity
b. morality
c. ethical standard
d. authority
Ethical standards
This refers to a significant loss of contact with reality.
a. split mind
b. psychosis
c. neurosis
d. schizoprenia
What is a person who kills 3 or more in a separate events?
A.mass murder
B. serial killer
D. spree killer
Serial killer
A bank robber who kills some individual in the bank, flees with hostages, and kills a number of people while in flight diving a chase would be an example of:
A. Serial Murder
B. Spree Murder
C. Mass Murder
D. Multiple Murder
Spree murder
What is the legal term for nighttime?
A. sanctuary
C. ephitomy
D. nocturnity
These are the rights of an accused that are derived from special laws enacted by Congress.
A. Constitutional rights
B. Civil rights
D. Natural rights
Statutory right
This theory views crime and delinquency as a result of the frustration and anger people experience over their inability to achieve legitimate social and financial success.
a. strain theory
b. psychological theories
c. differential association theory
d. labeling theory
Strain theory
This theory suggest that stability and changes in criminal and deviant behavior through time and different stages in life.
Self Derogation Theory
Anomie Theory
Life Course Theory
Routine Activities Theory
Life course theory
This theory suggest that females and males are becoming equal in society in terms of family, politics, and education
Feminist Theory
Liberation Theory
Life Course Theory
Liberation theory
In the power control theory by Hagan, which father and mother share similar roles in the workplace and power in the family
Feminist theory
Egalitarian family
Patriarchal family
Matriarchal family
Egalitarian family
These views suggest that males such as judges, police officers, and prosecutors tend to have traditional views on women thus, they are more lenient to them as compared to their male counterparts.
Chivalry Hypothesis
Power Control Theory
Chivalry hypothesis
This new branch in criminology opposes the theoretical perspective and proposes the involvement of all stakeholders in the use of non violent solutions
Peacemaking Criminology
Sociology of Law
Restorative Justice
Non Violent Criminological Hypothesis
Peacemaking criminology
This crimes are those that the lower class commit against the upper class of society in a capitalist system
Crimes of Passion
Crimes of Accommodation and Resistance
Crimes of domination and Repression
Crimes of Lower class group
Crimes of Accommodation and Resistance
Who proposed the theory of capitalism and invoked communism as a remedy?
George Vold
Karl Marx
Emile Durkheim
Max Weber
Karl Marx
This theory believes that society is divided into two groups with competing values the upper class and lower class.
Class Theory
Differential Opportunity
Conflict Theory
Consensus Theory
Consensus theory
A problem that occurs when offenders who have been released from the system are placed in a program simply because the program exist.
Diversion Movement
Net widening
Primary Deviance
Diversion movement
The term criminology was originally derived from Italian word:
a. crimen
b. criminologo
c. criminologia
d. criminologie
It is the scientific study of crime and the effort of the society to prevent and repressed them?
a. Crime
b. Criminology
c. Victimology
d. Criminal justice
The study of Criminology involves the use of knowledge and concept of other sciences and field of study which makes the study of criminology:
a. Dynamic
b. Nationalistic
c. Social science
d. An applied science
An applied science
Criminal ________ refers to the study of the relationship between criminality and the inhabitants of a certain locality:
a.Ecology b) Demography
c) Epidiomology
d) Physical anthropology
It is the study of human society, Its origin, structure, functions and direction.
a. Sociology b. Criminology
c. Psychology
d. Anthropology
It deals primarily with the study of crime causation.
a. Criminology
b. Criminal Etiology
c. Victimology
d. Criminal Sociology
Criminal etiology
An act or omission in violation of the public law commanding or forbidding it.
a. Crime b. Felony
c. Offense
d. Infraction of law
Crimes are committed either by dolo or deceit or by _____________.
a. Culpa
b. intent
c. Fault
d. both a and c
Both a and c
The following are the elements of Dolo or deceit, EXCEPT:
a. Intelligence
c. Freedom
b. Intent
d. Negligence
Perla, a victim of rape, was able to identify her assailant, a neighbor, before he dies on her way to the hospital where she was declared dead on arrival, This crime is called,
a. complex crime b. simple crime
c) instant crime
d) situational crime
Complex crime
Ms. Malou Wang is a skilled woman in making deception through verbal communication. She had committed estafa to several persons through illegal recruitment. What crime according to result did she committed?
acquisitive crime
extinctive crime
c) instant crime
d) situational crime
Acquisitive crime
It refers to the study of the role of the victim in the commission of a crime.
a. criminal victim
b. criminal psychiatry
c. victimless crime d. victimology
It is the scientific study of human behavior or man’s external manifestation in relation to criminality.
a) Epidiomology
b) Criminal Psychiatry
c) Criminal psychology
d) Physical anthropology
Criminal psychology
A crime can be classified according to its stages of commission. What crime is committed when the offender merely commences the execution of an offense by overt act but which nevertheless did not perform all acts of execution which would produce the felony by reason of some cause other than his own spontaneous desistance?
a. Attempted crime
b. Consummated crime
c. Frustrated crime
d. Complex crime
Attempted crime
It is the process by which individual reduce the frequency of their offending behavior as the age increases.
a. doing gender
b. aging out
c. criminal reduction d. active precipitation
Aging out
Crimes are classified under the Revised Penal Code according to their gravity. What crime to which the law attaches the capital punishment or afflictive penalties.
a. grave felonies
b. less grave felonies
c. light felonies
d. complex felonies
Grave felonies
What crimes according to the time or period of the commission are those which are committed only when the circumstances or situation is conducive to its commission like for instance, committing theft in a crowded place.
a. seasonal crimes
b. instant crimes
c. situational crimes
d. continuing crimes
Situational crime
There are crimes that are committed within a certain length of time. What crime is committed by a series of acts in a lengthy space of time?
a. static crime
b. instant crime
c. situational crime
d. episoidal crime
Episodic crime
Crimes such as theft, shoplifting, and others which are committed to maintain one’s livelihood or as a means for living are what crimes?
a. Rational crimes
b. Irrational crimes
c. Blue-collar crimes
d. White collar crimes
Blue collar crime
It is that element of intentional felony which means that the person who committed the felony has the capacity to distinguish between what is right and wrong and fully understands the consequences of his actions:
a. intelligence
b. imprudence
c. intent
d. freedom
A psychological disorder in which a child shows developmentally inappropriate impulsivity, hyperactivity and lack of attention.
a. psychotism
b. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
c. neuroticism
d. KSP disorder
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
The commission of criminal acts using the instruments of modern technology such as computers or the internet.
a. cyber sex
b. cyber crime
c. computer crimes
d. computer hacking
An act in violation of the criminal law that is designed to bring financial gain to the offender.
a. organized crime
b. economic crime
c. cyber crime
d. profit crime
Economic crime
The killing of a large number of people over time by an offender who seeks to escape detection.
a. road rage
b. hate crime
c. mass murder
d. serial murder
Serial murder
Known as the “Mother of Criminals”.
a. Margaret Juke
b. Ada Kallikak
c. Ada Juke
d. Ada Edwards
Ada juke
It refers to an study showing the relationship between the physical built of a person to his personality structure and the type of offense he is most prone to commit
a. physiognomy
b) somatotype
c. phrenology
d) psychology
It is a proposal of a double male or super male syndrome. This theory held that the possession of an extra Y-chromosome causes males to be violent and aggressive.
A XYY syndrome
b XXY syndrome
c. YYX syndrome
d. YXX syndrome
XYY syndrome
A phenomenon that refers to the handling down of delinquent behaviors as socially learned and transferred from one generation to the next taking place mostly among disorganized urban areas.
a. Cultural Transmission
b) Social Phenomenon
c. Crime
d) Delinquent behavior
Cultural transmission
In this theory of crime causation, mankind is viewed as manifestations of basically evil human nature reflecting either with the prince of darkness or an expression of divine wrath.
Classical theory
positivist theory
Demonological theory
neo-classical theory
Demonological theory
It involves the measurement of facial and other body characteristics as indicative of human personality.
An attempt to determine intelligence and personality on the basis of the size and shape of the skull.
According to Sheldon, the three “somatotypes” or body built which have relationships to personality characteristics are the following, EXCEPT:
A type of violent offender who uses violence as a means of perpetrating the criminal act:
Culturally violent offender
pathologically violent offender
Criminally violent offender
d. situationally violent offender
Criminally violent offender
One way of classifying criminals is on the basis of etiology. What kind of criminal is that whose action arises from the intra-psychic conflict between the social and anti-social components of his personality?
a. Acute c. Chronic
b. neurotic
d. normal
Criminals can also be classified according to this behavioral system. What are those criminals who have high degree of organization that enables them to commit crime without being detected and usually operates in a large scale?
a. ordinary criminals b. professional criminals
c. situational criminals
d. organized criminals
Organized criminal
A forcible sex in which the offender and the victim are acquainted with each other.
a. statutory rape b. date rape
c. marital rape d. acquaintance rape
Acquaintance rape
According to Lombroso, these are physical characteristics that distinguish born criminals from the general population and are throwbacks to animals or primitive people.
a. physical deviations
b. distinguishable traits
c. atavistic stigmata d. ape-like appearance
Atavistic stigmata
It is the most essential part of the definition of the criminal law:
a. elements b. penalty
c. degree of evidence d. motive
The concept that conduct norms are passed down from one generation to the next so that they become stable within the boundaries of a culture.
a. heredity b. inheritance
c. cultural transmission d. DNA
Cultural transmission
Group of urban sociologists who studies the relationship between environmental conditions and crime.
a. classical school
b. chicago school
c. neo-classical school
d. positive school
Chicago School
He is recognized as the first codifier of laws:
a. Drakon
b. the Hittites
c. Solon
d. Hammurabi
He said that individuals are like human calculators. Before a person commits a crime, he first analyzes whether the satisfaction he would gain is greater than the possible negative effect he would have to suffer if the gets caught doing the crime:
a. Cesare Beccaria
b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Edwin Sutherland
d. Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy Bentham
Who stated that crime is normal in a society?
a. Cesare Beccaria
b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Emile Durkheim
d. Enrico Ferri
Emilw Durkheim
This theory contested the findings of Beccaria’s Free Will Study, stating that its absence among mentally retardate persons or those with some psychological imbalances and personality disorders or physical disabilities, could likewise lead to violation of laws thereby citing said theory as one of crime causation.
a. Classical Criminology
b. Positivist Criminology
c. Neoclassical Criminology
d. Social Structure Theory
Neo-Classical criminology
This refers to the act of killing a large number of people in a single violent outburst.
Road rage
serial killing
Mass murder
mass destruction
Mass murder
A type of sexual deviancy where the person achieves sexual gratification by cruelty, psychotic desire to often torment torture or otherwise abuse his victim.
A sexual relationship between persons closely related by blood.
These are violent acts directed toward a particular person or members of group merely because the targets share discernible racial, ethnic, religious or gender characteristics.
Violent crimes
hate crimes
Copy-cat crimes
victimless crimes
Hate crime
A term to denote a premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.
little war
It conceded that certain factors such as insanity might inhibit the exercise of free will.
Classical theory
Neo classical
These are crimes committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of occupation.
Blue collar crimes
crime of the upper world
White collar crimes
crime of the underworld
White Collar Crime
Public order crime is otherwise known as:
Violent crimes
economic crimes
Organized crimes
victimless crimes
Victimless crime
The law that provides Board Examination for Criminologists in the Philippines.
R.A. 6975
R.A. 8551
R.A. 6506
R.A. 8353
Criminals who have a high degree of organization to enable them to commit crimes without being detected.
Professional criminals
ordinary criminals
Organized criminals
expert criminals
Organized criminals
Who among the following are the “Holy Three in Criminology”?
Lombroso, Bentham, Beccaria
Lombroso, Garofalo, Ferri
Beccaria, Bentham, Ferri
Beccaria, Garofalo, Lombroso
Lombroso, Garofalo, Ferri
Culture Conflict Theory was thorough studied by ____ wherein he concluded that the main difference between a criminal and a non-criminal is that each is responding to different sets of conduct norms.
Emile Durkheim
b) Andre Michael Guerry
c) Thorsten Sellin
d) Abraham Maslow
Thorsten Sellin
This school of thought in criminology states that although individuals have self-rule, there are other factors that affect the exercise of their autonomy, which cause them commit crimes:
a) neo-classical
b) utilitarianism
c) classical
d) positivist
Neo classical
This theory reflects the way people react to a given situation based on the social influences they acquired from other people that practically determine their behaviors. This theory likewise serves as the learning process of delinquent behaviors and considered as one of the most important theory in crime causation.
a) Social Disorganization theory
b) Culture Conflict theory
c) Differential Association Theory
d) Social Reaction Theory
It is the breakdown of social order as a result of the loss of order in a society.
a. synomie
b) anarchy
c) anomie
d) chaos
He introduced the “theory of imitation” which states that individuals copy behavior patterns of other individuals, and that those with weaker personalities tend to get influenced easier by those with stronger personalities:
a. Emile Durkheim
b) Adolphe Quetelet
c) Gabriel Tarde
d) Enrico Ferri
Gabriel Tarde
A term that used to describe motorists who assault each other.
a. road rage
b. predation
c. hate crime
d. serial murder
Road rage
This theory argues that intelligence is largely determined genetically; that ancestry determines IQ; and, that low intelligence as demonstrated by low IQ is linked to behavior including criminal behavior:
a. Nature Theory
b) Psychological theory
c) Strain Theory
d) Labeling theory
Nature Theory
The theory which states that attachment, connection and link to society will determine whether a person shall commit a crime or not:
a. social control
b) social disorganization
c) social bond
d) social learning
Social bond
The philosophy of justice that asserts that those who violate the rights of others deserve to be punished. The severity of the punishment should be commensurate with the seriousness of the crime.
a. restorative justice
b. jus desert
c. utilitarianism
d. equality of punishment
Just desert
A condition in which the glucose in the blood falls below levels necessary for normal and efficient brain functioning.
a. hyperglycemia
b. hyperglycomia
c. hypoglycemia
d. hypoglycomia
This school on crime causation emphasized economic determinism and concentrated on the need for the quality among all citizens. They provided statistical data which claimed to show that variations in crime rates are associated with variations in economic conditions.
a. Cartographic School
b. Socialist School
c. Psychiatric School
d. Chicago School
Cartography School
Manie sans delire” (madness without confusion) This was the term used by Philippe Pinel describing the personality that is characterized by an inability to learn from experience, lack of warmth, and no sense of guilt better known as:
a. psychotic personality
b. psychopathic personality
c. neurotic behavior
d. dementia praecox
Psychopathic personality
A police officer’s frustration in the realization of his ambition and goals in life both as an officer of the law, and as a private citizen, can push him to a life of crime, as pointed out in this particular theory.
a. Disorganization Theory
b. Culture Conflict Theory
C.Differential Association Theory
d. Strain Theory
Strain theory
Crimes which occur per 100,000 population per month. It is the theoretical basis which determines the peace and order situation.
a. index crimes
b. crime rate
c. non-index crimes
d. crime statistics
Crime rate
The Idea that low female crime and delinquency rates are a reflection of the leniency which the police treat female offenders.
Doing gender
masculinity hypothesis
Chivalry hypothesis
pre-menstrual syndrome
Chivalry hypothesis
A stage of development when girls begin to have sexual feeling for their fathers.
a. Oedipus complex
b. doing gender
c. Electra complex
d. chivalry hypothsis
Electra complex
The legal principle by which the decision or holding in an earlier case becomes the standard by which subsequent similar cases are judged. It literally means “to stand by decided cases”.
a. jus desert
b. stare decisis
c. story decisis
d. just stare
Stare decisis
This is a theory by Robert Merton which assumes that people are law abiding but under great pressure, they will resort to crime.
a. strain theory
b. social learning
c. cultural deviance
d. anomie
Strain theory
The first IQ test was developed by a French psychologist named:
a. Rafael Garofalo
b. Albert Bandura
c. Walter Reckless
d. Alfred Binet
Alfred Binet
His study focused on the Kallikak family tree and he concluded that feeblemindedness is inherited and related to deviant behavior and poverty. He was the first person to use the term “moron”.
a. Robert Dugdale
b. Henry Goddard
c. Eaenest Hooton
d. Charles Goring
Henry Goddard
This theory focuses on the development of high crime areas associated with the disintegration of conventional values caused by rapid industrialization, increased migration and urbanization.
Cultural Deviance Theory
Differential Association Theory
Social Disorganization Theory
Strain Theory
Social disorganization theory
A societal stage marked by normlessness in which disintegration and chaos have replaced social cohesion.
Social disorganization
It is otherwise known as the decline in criminal activities together with the time.
Birth cohort
aging out phenomenon
Criminal aging
crime rate
Aging out phenomenon
He invoked that only justified rationale for laws and punishment is the principle of the greatest happiness shared by the greatest number of people.
Jeremy Bentham
Felicific Calculus
Cesare Beccaria
Jeremy Bentham
The beginning to have sexual feelings for the mother, which occurs during the third year from birth is known as:
Oedipus Complex
Inferiority Complex
Electra Complex
Oedipus complex
Serious illegal detention is a crime committed through series of acts or episodes and in much longer time. This crime is classified as:
Instant crime
episoidal crime
Situational crime
seasonal crime
Episoidal crime
The following are the characteristics of the Classical School of Criminology:
The basis of criminal liability is human free will and the purpose of penalty is retribution
Man is essentially a moral creature with an absolute free will to choose between right and wrong.
Criminals are distinguishable from non-criminals because of their physical deviations.
That every man is therefore responsible for his act.
I, II, III are correct.
I, III, IV are correct.
II, III, IV are correct.
I, II, IV are correct.
l, ll, lV are correct
It conceded factors such as insanity might inhibit the exercise of free will.
Classical theory
positivist theory
Neo-classical theory
radical theory
Neo classical Theory
His great contributions to criminology were the principle of utilitarianism and the felicific calculus.
Cesare Beccaria
Jeremy Bentham
Cesare Lombroso
Emile Durkheim
Jeremy Bentham
He propounded the theory of evolution that inspired the now known “Father of Modern Criminology” to develop the theory of atavism.
Cesare Lombroso
Charles Goring
Cesare Beccaria
Charles Darwin
Cesare Lombroso
According to him, people with criminal behavior, should be prohibited from having children.
Robert Dugdale
Henry Goddard
Charles Goring
George Wilker
Charles Goring
It states that individuals are deviant mainly because they have been labeled as deviant by social agencies and others. The notion of deviance is not inherent in the act itself, but rather in the reaction and stigma attached to the actor.
Containment Theory
Theory of Imitation
Social Process Theory
Social Reaction theory
Social reaction theory
Cesare Lombroso classified this type of criminal with five (5) or more atavistic stigmata.
Born-criminal type
Born criminal type
These are crimes which are wrong from their very nature. Examples of these are murder, robbery, and other violations of the Revised Penal Code.
Heinous crimes
mala in se
Serious crimes
mala prohibita
These are crimes which are wrong only because there are laws that prohibit them in order to regulate an orderly society. Examples of these are the violations of special laws like the violation of “Anti-Smoking Law”.
Mala prohibita
less grave felonies
Mala in se
light felonies
Mala prohibita
The principle of criminal law which is “nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege” means:
An act done by me against my will is not my act
There is no crime where no law punishing it.
Ignorance of the law excuses no one.
Mistake of fact is an excuse.
There is no crime where no law punishing it.
He was the one who introduced the following definition of criminology: “It is the entire body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon. It includes within its scope the process of making laws, of breaking laws and of reacting towards the breaking of the laws”:
a) Raffaelle Garofalo
b) Edwin Sutherland
c) Cesare Beccaria
d) Paul Topinard
Edwin Sutherland
Classical Theory states that individuals have freewill. It is focused on an individual’s choice as to whether or not he will commit a crime and the purpose of Classical Theory in giving punishment is________________.
a) Restoration
b) Treatment
c) Retribution
d) Deterrence
Refers to the circumstances which attendant in the commission of a crime serve to increase the penalty, without however exceeding the maximum of the penalty provided by law for the offense.
a. Justifying
b. Exempting
c. Mitigating
d. Aggravating
Those wherein the acts of the person are in accordance with the law, hence he incurs no criminal liability.
Mr. A committed loitering within the vicinity of Manila City Hall on January 14, 2011. June 14, 2011, a city ordinance was passed punishing loitering within the vicinity of Isetan Recto. Can A be held liable for his act of loitering?
a. Yes, for there is a law passed punishing it
b. Yes under the principle of retroactive effect of criminal law
c. No, for the act was done prior to the effectivity of the law.
d. No, for A did not loiter again.
No, for the act was done prior to the effectivity of the law.
His theory was that God did not make all the various species of animals in two days, as what the bible says but rather that the species had evolved through a process of adoptive mutation and natural selection which led to his conclusion that man was traced to have originated from the apes.
a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Charles Darwin
c. Prince Charles
d) Charles de Gaulle
Charles Darwin
Having spent half of his life in the study of the causes of crime and true to his dedication to his lifetime works, upon his death he willed his brain and body to the Institute of Anatomy atthe University of Turin in Italy to be further studied. To this, he was named the “Father ofModern and Empirical Criminology”.
a) Cesare Beccaria
b) Edwin Sutherland
c) Cesare Lombroso
d) Jeremy Bentham
Cesare Lombroso
Having spent half of his life in the study of the causes of crime and true to his dedication to his lifetime works, upon his death he willed his brain and body to the Institute of Anatomy atthe University of Turin in Italy to be further studied. To this, he was named the “Father ofModern and Empirical Criminology”.
a) Cesare Beccaria
b) Edwin Sutherland
c) Cesare Lombroso
d) Jeremy Bentham
Cesare Lombroso
Which of the following is NOT included in the components of criminal justice system of the United States?
a. Law enforcement
b. Corrections
c. Prosecution
d. Courts
The power of the state to give any form of charity of public nature. It is the philosophy behind the view that youthful offender/child in conflict with the law is the victim of improper care and that the state is duty bound to provide protection.
a. positivism
b. loco parentis
c. patria potestas
d. parens patriae
Parens patriae
Under the law, they are the one responsible for preventing the child from becoming addicted to intoxicating drinks, narcotic drugs, smoking, gambling or any harmful practices.
b. Parents
c. state
d. police
The civil personality of the child is deemed to have been commenced upon:
a. birth of the child
b. when the child celebrates his first birthday
c. from the time of his conception
d. upon reaching the age of majority
from the time of his conception
Refers to a person appointed by the court to act as the legal guardian of the child even though the parents of the child are still alive when the best interest of the said child so require.
a. adopter
b. loco parentis
c. guardian ad litem
d. temporary guardian
Guardian ad litem
Under the RA 9344 a child over 15 under 18 is exempt from criminal liability unless:
a. he is committed a henious crime
b. he is the principal accused
c. he acted without discernment
d. he acted with discernment
He acted with discernment
The Child in Conflict with the law cannot be prosecuted for the commission of the following, EXCEPT:
a. mendicancy
b. sniffing of rugby
c. prostitution
d. theft
A child left by himself without provisions for his needs/or without proper supervision falls under what special category of a child?
a. abandoned child
b. abused child
c. neglected child
d. dependent child
Neglected child
In the absence of death of both parents of the child who shall continue to exercise authority over the child?
Surviving grand parents
Elder brother and sister over 21 years of age
Surviving parents of child
Actual custodian of the child over 21 years of age.
a. I, II and IV only
b. I and II only
c. I, II, III only
d. all of the above
I, II and IV only
Is a self-association of peers, bound together by mental interest, who acted in concert in order to achieve a specific purpose which includes the conduct of illegal activities and control over a particular territory, facility or type of enterprises.
a. Juvenile gang
b. Organized criminal
c. a bond
d. street corner gang
Juvenile gang
The court can suspend parental authority if it finds that the parent:
Treats the child with excessive harshness of cruelty.
Gives the child corrupting order, counsel or example
Compel the child to beg
Imposed to child disciplinary actions.
a. I and II only
c. I and III only
b. I, II, III and IV
d. I, II and III only
I, II and III only
Who among the following is considered as “Child in Conflict with the Law”?
a. Bryan who is 15 years old.
b. Yang who is 10 years old.
c. Lover Boy who is 17 years old
d. anyone of them
Anyone of them
Refers to the totality of the circumstances which are most beneficial for the child.
a. child as zone of peace
b. nation building
c. best interest of the child
d. presumption of minority
Best interest of child
Is the mass obligation which the parents have in relation to the persons and property of their an unemancipated child.
a. Paretal authority
b. Patria Potestas
c. Parens’ Patriae
d. Parental Responsibility
Parental responsibility
A person of such age is automatically exempted from criminal liability but should be taken to the custody and care of his parents, DSWD representative or any institution engage in child caring.
a. 15 years and below
b. under 18 years of age
c. under 15 years of age
d. under 21 years of age
15 years and below
Refers to a child raise to the status of legitimate child by subsequent marriage of his/her parents.
a. illegitimate
b. legitimated
c. legitimate
d. adopted
In case of separation between parents of the child, a child of such age is given by the court the preference to choose between either parents.
a. under 9 years of age
b. 7 years of age
c. 10 years of age
d. 5 years of age
7 years of age
Refers to aggregate of persons working in commercial, industrial and agricultural establishments or enterprises whether belonging to the labor or management whose primary duty is to care for the welfare of the working children.
a. civic association of adult
b. community
c. Samahan
d. youth association
Parental authority is deemed terminated upon:
a. death of the parents
b. emancipation of the child
c. death of the child
d. All of the choices
All of the choices
Which of the following is the best way for the police to win youth’s trust and confidence?
a. be friendly
b. be firm and show them that you are strong
c. show to them that your bearing is good and stand with pride
d. let them know that you are an agent of a person in authority
Be friendly
A child born inside a marriage where either party is suffering from an impediments.
a. illegitimate child
b. legitimated child
c. legitimate child
d. adopted child
Illegitimate child
This refers to the apprehension or taking into custody of a child who committed an offense by the law enforcement officer:
a. initial contact with the child
b. preliminary investigation
c. initial investigation
d. inquest proceedings
Initial contact with the child
This common procedure applied when arresting an offender shall NOT be employed when the person who is the subject of apprehension is a child.
a. informing the suspect is a child
b. stating the reason for the arrest
c. employing reasonable force
d. use of handcuffs
Use of handcuffs
It refers to the totality of the circumstances and conditions which are most congenial to the survival, protection and feelings of security of the child and most encouraging to the child’s physical, psychological and emotional development. It also means the least detrimental available alternative for safeguarding the growth and development of the child.
a. Child at risk
b. Best Interest of the Child
c. Full development.
d. Child welfare program
Bes interest of the child
In case of a child in conflict with the law his age shall be determine in the absence of proof what principle shall be observed?
a. He is presumed to be minor
b. He should prove his age
c. The Birth certificate should be produced pending such issuance he should be hold.
d. The testimony of the child should be enough to prove his age.
He is presume a minor
It is the psychological, emotional and behavioral reactions and deficits of women victims and their inability to respond to repeated physical and psychological violence?
A. Battered Woman Syndrome
B. Battered Wife
C. Abused Woman
D. Rape trauma syndrome
Battered woman syndrome
Child in conflict with the law may undergo diversion program without necessity of court intervention on the following:
Where the imposable penalty for the crime committee is not more than six (6) years imprisonment;
Where the imposable penalty for the crime committed exceeds six (6) years imprisonment;
Where the imposable penalty for the crime committed exceeds six (6) years but not more than 12 years imprisonment;
Where the imposable penalty for the crime committed does not exceeds 12 years imprisonment.
Where the imposable penalty for the crime committee is not more than six (6) years imprisonment;
Once the court, after trial finds that a child in conflict with the law is guilty of the crime charged, the court shall:
A. Pronounce its judgment;
B. Wait for the application for suspension of sentence of the child and order his turn over to DSWD.
C. Automatically place the child in conflict with law under suspension of sentence.
D. Determine the civil liability and order the final discharge of the child in conflict with the law.
Automatically place the child in conflict with law under suspension of sentence.
Once the child in conflict with the law reached the age of 18 while under suspended sentence the court may:
A. Order the execution of sentence;
B. Order the discharge of the child in conflict with the law;
C. Extend the suspended sentence at certain period or to its maximum age of 21.
D. Any of the above choices
Any of the choices
All records and proceedings involving children in conflict with the law from initial contact until final disposition of the case shall be:
a. placed in the dockets of court forms part of the public record;
b. open to the public;
c. considered restricted;
d. considered privileged and confidential
considered privileged and confidential
Mona was charged with vandalism on her 18th birthday when she painted her neighbor’s walls with greeting to herself. How will you classify Mona as an offender?
a. juvenile offender b. habitual offender
c. adult offender
d. none
Juvenile offender
All statements, EXCEPT ONE, are correct:
a. the family becomes a cause of juvenile delinquency when parents find it hard to balance their jobs with their parental responsibilities
b. peer group is a factor to juvenile delinquency
c. parental rejection causes juvenile delinquency
d. it is only within the family that a child must learn his life values
d. it is only within the family that a child must learn his life values
Being an orphan, Pedro Basurero, roams the street 24 hours a day with no place to go, surviving on foods given by kind-hearted people with no one to supervise him at his young age of six (6). How do you categorize Pedro as a child?
a. neglected child
b. independent child
c. Abandoned child
d. dependent child
Dependent child
Ms. RCBC, a 25-year old mongoloid, was raped by her addict neighbor, Mr. Go. How do you classify her as a victim?
a. an adult
b. an insane
c. a child
d. an adolescent
A child
It is the act of buying and selling children:
a. exploitation
b. prostitution
c. abuse
d. trafficking
This refers to the maltreatment of children, whether habitual or not:
a. exploitation
b. abuse
c. prostitution
d. trafficking
Children are declared as ____________ in situations of armed conflict:
a. priorities for evacuation
b. exemptions
c. zones of peace
d. shields
Zones of peace
This refers to pledging by the debtor of his or her personal services or those of a person under his or her control as security or payment for a debt, when the length and nature of services are not clearly defined:
a. debt bondage
b. involuntary servitude
c. abuse
d. slavery
Debt bondage
A working child below fifteen years old may be allowed to work for only _______ hours per day:
a. eight
b. four
c. five
d. six
Publication of photographs of persons or children in various obscene or indecent poses meant to cause sexual excitement to those who will see them is a form of:
a. adult entertainment
b. illegal publication
c. obscene material
d. pornography
Employers shall provide an opportunity for education to all working children up to this level:
a. elementary
b. college
d. vocational
This form of violence includes acts causing or likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim such as but not limited to intimidation, harassment, stalking and repeated verbal abuse:
a. battery
b. psychological
c. sexual
d. physical
The crime of human trafficking shall be qualified when:
a) the person trafficked is an elderly
b) the person trafficked is a woman
c) the person trafficked is a special child
d) the person trafficked is a child
the person trafficked is a child
This refers to any word or deed which debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of the child as human being.
a. eglect
b. psychological abuse
c. sexual abuse
d. cruelty
The following person are liable for child prostitution, EXCEPT:
a. those who act as procurer of child prostitute
b. children recruited as prostitutes
c. managers or owners of the establishment where the prostitution takes place
d. clients of child prostitute
children recruited as prostitutes
This refers to the use, hiring, employment and coercing of children as actors or models in printed pornographic materials:
a. indecent shows
b. child prostitution
c. obscene publication
d. child exploitation
Obscene publication
The legislative act that penalizes the acts, means and purposes of human trafficking:
a. R.A. 9344
b. R.A. 7610
c. R.A. 9208
d. R.A. 8043
1st. The crime of trafficking in person is qualified when the trafficked person is a child.
2nd. As a general rule, children below 15 years of age shall not be employed.
Both statements are correct.
The 1st statement is correct, the 2nd is incorrect.
The 1st statement is incorrect, the 2nd is correct.
Both statements are incorrect.
Both statements are correct
The “Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004”:
a. R.A. 9262
b. R.A. 7610
c. R.A. 9208
d. R.
It refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon the woman or her child resulting to the physical and psychological or emotional distress.
a. stalking
b. economic abuse
c. battery
d. sexual violence
This includes the employment, use, inducement or coercion of a child to engage in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct; the molestation, prostitution and or incest with children.
a. sexual abuse b. physical abuse
b. psychological abuse d. cruelty
Sexual abuse
Refers to a program organized by travel establishments and individuals which consist of packages or activities, utilizing and offering escort and sexual services as enticement for tourists.
a. prostitution
b. exploitation
c. sex tourism
d. pornography
Sex tourism
Refers to an intentional act committed by a person who knowingly and without lawful justification follows the woman or her child or places the woman or her child under surveillance directly or indirectly.
a. stalking
b. economic abuse
c. battery
d. sexual violence
A working child over fifteen but under eighteen may work but his work hours must not exceed ____ hours:
a) eight
b) seven
c) ten
d) six
A working child who is below eighteen but over fifteen years old may be allowed to work between the hours of:
a) six to eight o’clock pm
b) seven to eight o’clock p
c) six to ten o’clock pm
d) seven to ten o’clock pm
) six to ten o’clock pm
It means failure to provide, for reasons other than poverty, the basic needs of the child, such as food, clothing, medical care, shelter and basic education
a. sexual abuse
b. physical abuse
c. psychological abuse
d. neglect
Refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman financially dependent.
a. stalking
b. economic abuse
c. battery
d. sexual violence
Economic abuse
No child shall be employed as a model in any advertisement directly or indirectly promoting the following:
I. alcoholic beverages and intoxicating drinks
II. pornographic materials
III. medicines for use of adults
IV. cigarettes and any form of gambling
I, II, III are correct
II, III, IV are correct
I, II, IV are correct
I, III, IV are correct
I, II, IV are correct
The law that provides special protection of children against child abuse, exploitation and discrimination.
a. R.A. 7610
b. R.A. 9208
c. R.A. 9231
d. P.D. 603
The law prohibiting the worst forms of child labor.
a. R.A. 9262
b. R.A. 7610
c. R.A. 9231
d. R.A. 9344
This form of child abuse includes lacerations, fractured bones, burns, internal injuries and serious bodily harm suffered by a child:
a. psychological
b. emotional
c. physical
d. cruelty
This refers to offenses where there is no private offended party:
public order crime
Victimless crime
d. both a and c
Victimless crime
This is the Latin term for parental authority:
a) loco parentis
b) patria potestas
c) parens patriae
d) patria adorada
Loco parentis
Before any petition for adoption may be approved, the adopter and the adoptee must first undergo a supervised trial custody for a period of:
a) at least six months
b) not more than six months
c) at least one year
d) not less than one year
At least six months
This refers to the document issued by the court signifying the approval of the application for adoption:
a) decree of adoption
b) petition for adoption
c) annulment
d) rescission
Decree of adoption
This is the legal age in the Philippines:
a) twenty-one
b) seventeen
c) eighteen
d) twelve
A child who has been voluntarily or involuntarily committed to the DSWD or to a duly licensed child placement agency and is free from parental authority:
a) child legally available for adoption
b) legally-free child
c) emancipated child
d) abandoned child
child legally available for adoption
This form of violence includes acts causing or likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim such as but not limited to intimidation, harassment, stalking and repeated verbal abuse:
a) battery
b) psychological
c) sexual
d) physical
A working child who is below eighteen but over fifteen years old may be allowed to work between the hours of:
a) six to eight o’clock pm
b) seven to eight o’clock p
c) six to ten o’clock pm
d) seven to ten o’clock pm
six to ten o’clock pm
Emancipation takes place when:
a) the parents decide to emancipate him or her
b) the child becomes 18 years old
c) the child is already married
d) the child applies for it
d) games and gadgets
the child becomes 18 years old
The CICL shall be entitled to the automatic suspension of sentence until the maximum age of __:
a) twenty-three
b) eighteen
c) twenty-one
d) twenty
In case the child has been found guilty by the court, he shall be ordered to be transferred to _______:
a) a youth rehabilitation center
b) a youth detention home
c) a city or municipal jail
d) an agricultural camp
a) a youth rehabilitation center
The law enforcement officer must ensure that all statements signed by the child during investigation are witnessed and signed by the following:
a) his parents, lawyer and social worker
b) his parents or guardian
c) legal counsel
d) social worker
His parents, lawyer and social worker
The body search of the child in conflict with the law must be done only by a law enforcement officer:
a) who has initial contact
b) assigned to the case
c) of the opposite sex
d) of the same gender
Of the same gender
The first important thing that a law enforcer must do upon initial contact is to ____:
a) know the age of the child
b) notify the local DSWD
c) call the parents
d) make a report
Call the parents
It is the best evidence to prove the age of the child in conflict with the law:
a) testimony of the parents of the child
b) testimony of the child
c) certificate of birth
d) school records
Certificate of birth
It is the holding in abeyance of the service of the sentence imposed by the court upon a finding of guilt of the child in conflict with the law, whereby the child undergoes rehabilitation within a fixed period under such terms and conditions as may be ordered by the court:
a) probation
b) suspension of sentence
c) parole
d) pardon
Suspension of sentence
It is a disposition under which a defendant, after conviction and sentence, is released subject to conditions imposed by the court and to the supervision of a probation officer:
a) suspension of sentence b) parole
c) probation
d) pardon
A child in conflict with the law is exempted from _____:
a) both criminal and civil liability
b) neither criminal nor civil liability
c) criminal liability only
d) civil liability only
Criminal liability only
If the penalty for the crime committed by the CICL is imprisonment of more than six years, diversion will be within the jurisdiction of the ____________:
a) barangay
c) police
d) court
The duty of determining the age of the child in conflict with the law lies with the _______:
a) social worker
b) law enforcer
d) judge
Social worker
The age of full criminal responsibility is:
Less than 18 but more than 70 years old
More than 18 but less than 70 years old
Over 15 but under 18 years old
Not less than 18 but not more than 70 years old
Not less than 18 but not more than 70 years old
It pertains to the document that must be signed by the parents of the child in conflict with the law as part of the conditions of diversion:
a) contract of diversion proceedings
b) certification of conciliation
c) memorandum of agreement
d) contract of diversion
Contract of diversion
A child in conflict with the law who is under fifteen years of age shall be turned over to the ________________ by the police for the determination of appropriate program:
a) nearest police station
b) family
c) local DSWSD
d) court
Local DSWD
The diversion proceedings must be completed within ____ days:
a) thirty
b) forty-five
c) sixty
d) twenty
Forty five
If the court finds that the child in conflict with the law is guilty of the crime he is accused of doing, the ____________ of the sentence shall automatically be suspended:
a) imposition b) determination
c) execution d) discharge
The ________________ has the right to refuse the diversion program designed for the child:
a) offended party
b) parents of the child
c) victim
d) social worker
Parents of the child
When the court decides to execute the suspended sentence, the child must be transferred to a:
a) youth rehabilitation center
b) youth detention home
c) agricultural farm
d) prison
Youth rehabilitation center
It shall be the duty of the ______________________ to make proper recommendation to the court regarding the disposition of the child who is undergoing rehabilitation while under suspension of sentence:
a) prosecutor
b) social worker
c) lawyer
d) judge
Social worker
All records pertaining to the case of the child in conflict with the law shall remain _______ and ______:
a) privileged and confidential
b) classified and confidential
c) privileged and restricted
d) secret and confidential
Privileged and confidential
The age of full criminal irresponsibility is:
Over 15 but under 18 years old who acted with discernment
18 to 70 years old
15 years old and below
Below 18 even if the act is committed with discernment
15 years old and below
It refers to the sum total of man’s reaction to his environment or the way human beings act.
Human Beings
Human Behavior
Human behavior
Refers to any behavioral reactions or reflexes exhibited by people because of their inherited capabilities or the process of natural selection.
Inherited Behavior
Inborn Behavior
Learned Behavior
both a and c
Both a and c
It is a behavior pattern where an individual return to a state of form adjustment and attempt to experience them again in memory.
a. phobia
b. anger
b. frustration
d. regression
Defense mechanisms are used to shield one’s self from _____.
a. anger
b. fear
c. pleasure
d. pain
Human behavior is man’s response to the interpretation of the ______ from within the person or from his environment.
a. stimulus
b. action
c. perception (respose to sensation)
d. inclination
This personality system controls the gateway to action.
a. alter ego
b. Id
c. ego
d. Superego
What is the process of interpreting our behavior in ways to make it more acceptable to the self usually with the use of good reasons and alibi to substitute for real cause?
a. projection
b. sublimation
c. rationalization
d. Compensation
Conflicts and their behavioral outcomes are classified as follows, EXCEPT:
a. avoidance-approach
b. avoidance-avoidance
c. approach-avoidance
d. approach-approach
Avoidance -approach
Manny, angry at his girlfriend, boxed a nearby tree manifests what particular defense mechanism?
a. repression b. sublimation
c. displacement d. projection
An uncontrollable, morbid propensity to steal or pathological stealing.
a. kleptomania
b. pyromania
c. phobia
d. Dipsomania
This type of conflict occurs when there is an attraction to an object or state of affairs at the same time repulsion towards something associated with it.
a. avoidance-avoidance
c. approach-approach
c. approach-avoidance
d. multiple
Approach- avoidance
This is the process of excluding from the consciousness a thought or feeling that causes pain, shame or guilt.
a. identification
b. regression
c. repression
d. fixation
This is an attempt to disguise or cover-up felt deficiencies or undesirable traits by emphasizing a desirable type of behavior.
a. rationalization
b. sublimation
c. compensation
d. projection
Kadyo Tero, a B.S. Criminology student, after tasting an unripe mango grimaced. This sensation is said to be:
a. olfactory
b. Auditory
c. cutaneous
d. gustatory
This is a serious mental and emotional disorder that is a manifestation of withdrawal from reality.
a. Neurosis
b. Depression
c. Psychosis
d. Anxiety
This occurs when goal achievement is blocked.
a. frustration
b. conflict
c. anxiety
d. Depression