Criminal Psychology Flashcards
Operant Conditioning
Learning from the consequences of actions.
Positive reinforcement
Receiving something pleasant for a behaviour, so we repeat it.
Negative reinforcement
The avoidance of something unpleasant, so we do it again.
Primary reinforcers
A reinforcer that satisfies a biological need e.g. food, water, warmth and shelter.
Secondary reinforcers
A reinforcer that has no survival value, but we have learned to associate it with a primary reinforcer e.g. credit card
Positive punishment
Receiving something unpleasant for a behaviour, so we do not do it again.
Negative punishment
Receiving something unpleasant for a behaviour, so we do not do it again.
Social learning theory
Behaviour is learned through the observation and imitation of role models.
Able to recall the modeled behaviour
Learning a new behaviour through paying attention to, retaining and reproducing the behaviour of a role model.
An ability to reproduce the behaviour
Observational learning
Learning new behaviours through watching and modeling a role model
This increases the likelihood of performing the observed behaviour
Role model
A person who we admire or with whom we share similar characteristics.
Book meaning: temporarily adopting the behviour of a role model or group // Sheets meaning: This occurs in SLT when the learner replicates the behaviour and/or internalises belief
Vicarious reinforcement
Motivation to model the behaviours of others who we see being rewarded for their behaviour.