Criminal Psychology Flashcards
Operant conditioning
Learning from the consequences of actions.
Positive reinforcement
Receiving something pleasant for a behaviour, so we repeat it.
Negative reinforcement
The avoidance of something unpleasant, so we do it again.
Primary reinforcers
These satisfy a basic biological need e.g. food, water, warmth and shelter.
Secondary reinforcers
These are of no survival value, but we have learned to associate them with a primary reinforcer e.g. money, credit cards.
Positive punishment
Receiving something unpleasant for a behaviour, so we do not do it again.
Negative punishment
Removing something pleasant so we do not repeat the behaviour.
Social learning theory
Behaviour is learned through the observation and imitation of role models.
able to recall the modeled behaviour
Learning a new behaviour through paying attention to, retaining and reproducing the behaviour of a role model.
an ability to reproduce the behaviour
Observational learning
Learning new behaviours through watching and modelling a role model.
this increases the likelihood of performing the observed behaviour
Role model
A person who we admire or with whom we adhere similar characteristics.
this occurs in SLT when the learner replicates the behaviour and/or internalises belief
Vicarious reinforcement
Motivation to model the behaviours of others who we see being rewarded for their behaviour.