Criminal Law/Procedure Flashcards
Criminal Proximate Causation
Required; can’t hold D responsible for extraordinary results.
Negligence/Recklessness Crimes: within the risk created by D’s reck/neg conduct.
Specific Intent Crimes: sufficiently similar to the intended crimes
Superseding Intervening Cause
Break in chain of proximate causation; unforeseeable act.
Elements of Crime
1) Actus reus
2) Mens rea
3) Concurrence
4) Causation
The killing of one human being by another.
Murder - Types of Mens Rea
1) Intent to kill - specific intent
2) Intent to cause serious bodily harm
3) Depraved heart
4) Felony murder - BARRK
B - urglary A - rson R - ape R - obbery K - idnapping
Intent to Kill
Inference from use of any instrument which, judging from manner of use, is calculated to cause death or serious injury.
Intent to Cause Serious Bodily Harm
Intent to inflict serious bodily injury is proven by examining surrounding circs (words/behavior of D).
Depraved heart murder
Unintentional killing resulting from conduct involving a wanton indifference to human life and a conscious disregard of an unreasonable risk of death or serious bodily injury.
Felony Murder
Killing proximately caused during commission/attempted of serious or inherently dangerous felony. Includes intentional and accidental killings, as well as accomplice liability.
(a) MAJ: killer must be a felon/co-felon.
(b) MIN: Killer can be anyone.
(1) Felony Murder is first degree when a person is killed during BAR(sex offense)RK or any felony
(A) involving use of deadly weapon, OR
(B) inherently dangerous to life
(2) Death of Co-felon not felony murder by D if committed by V or law enforcement. Killing can be done by anyone, though.
Degrees of Murder
First: Intent to kill murder w/ P&D, felony murder, and some specific methods (lying in wait, poison, terrorism, torture)
Second: Any murder not first degree.
First: Unlawful killing w/ malice, P&D; felony murder, special means.
Second: Murder w/ malice but no P&D.
NC Special Means
1) Nuke/biolog/chem WMD
2) poison
3) lying in watit
4) imprisonment
5) starving
6) torture
Premeditation: quantity of thought; enough time to form “fixed intent to kill.”
Deliberation: quality of thought; undisturbed by hot blood (but not absence of hot blood)
NC Murder and Malice
Malice is:
(A) Intent to kill (express)
(B) Implied from depraved heart
NC Manslaughter
CL definitions apply.
Voluntary Manslaughter:
(1) Intentional killing w/ adequate provocation, OR
(2) NC No intent to kill, but imperfect self-defense (D at fault in starting provocation or honest but unreasonable belief that deadly force necessary)
Involuntary Manslaughter
Unintentional killing without malice aforethought caused by either reckless or criminal negligence or commission or attempted commission of unlawful act.
Unintended killing w/o malice resulting from:
(A) Commission of a non-felonious unlawful act, OR
(B) Act done in an unlawful or culpably negligent way, if death was not an unforeseeable outcome considering all the facts.
Criminal Negligence
High degree of risk of death or serious injury; worse than tortious negligence.
Criminal Battery & Aggravated Battery
Criminal battery: intentional/reckless/crim-neg unlawful application of force to the person of the victim.
(A) Consent is valid defense if no duress or fraud.
(B) Felony of 3rd Degree if great bodily harm, perm disability/disfigurement, or repeat offense.
Aggravated battery: offender intent/know causes great bodily harm or perm disability/disfigurement, or uses deadly weapon, or when V is pregnant and D knows pregnant.
Criminal Assault & Aggravated
When R person wouldn’t expect imminent bodily harm, no assault.
- *NC**
1) Attempt to commit battery, OR
2) An act done to frighten.
3) Act causes R apprehension of immediate bodily harm, causing V to engage in course of action that would not otherwise have been followed.
4) Apparent ability of D to accomplish the act.
Aggravated Assault:
Deadly weapon w/o intent to kill or w/ intent to commit a felony.
NC A&B Aggravating Factors
1) Attempted/actual infliction of serious bodily harm (or uses deadly weapon),
2) Male over 18 against female,
3) V is child under 12,
4) V is cop or employee of government discharging duty,
5) V is school employee or volunteer during school activities,
6) V is public transit worker
7) V is rent-a-cop
8) V is handicapped
NC Assault w/ Deadly Weapon:
1) Misdemeanor
2) Felony if:
(A) intent to kill,
(B) intent to inflict serious injury, or
(C) intent to kill and inflicts serious injury.
1) Unlawful
2) Restraint on person’s liberty,
3) By force or show of force,
4) So as to send V to another location.
1) False imprisonment is a lesser included of kidnapping.
2) Kidnapping is
(A) unlawful confinement, restraint, or removal from one place to another of:
(i) V 16+ and no consent
(ii) V under 16 and no guardian consent
(B) For purpose of
(i) ransom/hostage/shield
(ii) facilitating felony or flight therefrom
(iii) serious bodily harm or terrorize V, OR
(iv) involuntary servitude
3) First-Degree Kidnapping when V:
(A) Not released safe place,
(B) Seriously injured, OR
(C) Sexually assaulted
False Imprisonment
Definition: Intentional and unlawful restraining or detaining another without their consent.
Shopkeeper’s Privilege: If person detained on or reasonably near store premises as long as:
1) Detention for reasonable amount of time
2) Detention effectuated reasonable manner
3) Probable cause to believe person stole merchandise.
CL: rape was unlawful sexual intercourse by male against female. Penetration, not emission, required.
NC: Nonconsensual vaginal penetration.
Second-degree if: 1) by force and against V's will, OR 2) person knew or should have that V was: (A) mentally disabled, (B) mentally incompetent, OR (C) physically helpless.
First-degree if:
1) Used weapon to force V,
2) Inflicted serious injury on V or 3P (can be mental injury),
3) had helper or helped,
4) V under 13, defendant over 12, and defendant 4+ years older than V.
Spousal Defense? Nope.
Custodial Position: Even if V consents, if D was in custodial relationship to V or held parental position in minor’s household and V was minor = rape. Also employer/agent of govt agency with custody of child.
Sex Offenses (NC)
All other sex acts besides vaginal penetration, same 1/2 degree divide as rape.
Statutory Rape
1) Strict liability as to age.
2) B1 Felony if V is 13/14/15 and D is 6+ years older.
3) C Felony if V is 13/14/15 and D is 4-6 years older.