Criminal Law Flashcards
The minimal principle
Criminal punishment should not be imposed lightly and only as last resort
Function of criminal law
- Social control instrument
- tool to regulate governmental power
The principle of individual autonomy
citizens should be free from undue state powers
The welfare approach
To protect the environment where the society is based
The harm principle
Power can be used against a person if it’s necessary to prevent harm to others
Punishment Theories
Utilitarian theory:
- The state should only inflict as much punishment as is needed to prevent future crimes
- Discourage other people to commit a crime
- Rehabilitation purpose
Retributive Theorie:
The punishment is imposed because deserved. The punishment should be proportional to the seriousness of the crime
Criminal liability Common Law
- actus reus
a. Was there is an act?
b. Was the act is wrongful? - mens rea
a. Descriptive aspect: Was there an Intention or negligence or recklessness?
b. Normative aspect: Is the perpetrator to blame?
Both need to be fulfilled to have liability
Criminal liability Civil Law
- Fulfillment of offense definition
a. objective element: Was there is an act?
b. subjective element: intention or negligence - Wrongdoing: Was the act is wrongful?
- Blameworthiness: Is the perpetrator to blame?
Criminal Omission
Liability in the absence of action:
- offense of failing to act
- Commission by omission (duties of care e.g parents for children)
Intention Civil Law
Direct intent: Consequence of an intention is actually desired
Indirect intent: He’s aware over almost certain side-effects of his actions and does it anyways
Conditional intent: Acceptance of a possible risk
Intention Common Law
Direct intent: Consequence of an intention is actually desired
Indirect intent: He’s aware over almost certain side-effects of his actions and does it anyways
Recklessness: A person was aware of risk which is known to the person as unreasonable to take
Negligence in Civil Law
- Conscious negligence
The agent is aware of the risk but assumes that the risk will not occur - Unconscious negligence
The agent isn’t conscious of a risk but he should and could have been aware of it
Negligence in Common Law
- Unconscious negligence
- Inadvertent negligence
Taking a risk without knowing it was taken
Excuses in criminal law
- Selfdefense
2. Insanity (Medical or mental disorder)
Criminal process
- The investigation phase
2. The trial phase
In dubio pro reo
The defendant can be considered guilty only if his guilt have been proved beyond reasonable doubt
Rights in Criminal Law
- Right to remain silent
- Right to counsel
- Right to introduce witnesses (Common Law witnesses are questioned by the parties in Civil Law by the judge)
- Right of confrontation
- Presumption of innocence
- Proportionality
- Balance between parties
- Fair trial + Fair investigation
The evidence can be:
- real
- oral
- direct
Cour System Common Law: Adversarial system
Common Law Adversarial system:
Consists in a dispute between two parties. The parties are in charge of bringing the evidence and offering the arguments to persuade a passive judge
Civil Law Inquisitorial system:
An impartial judge who takes an active part by leading the proceedings and collecting all the relevant evidence