Criminal Justice Flashcards
The UCR is the most reliable source of crime statistics because all law enforcement agencies are required to report the data to the FBI.
All criminals are deviants and All deviants are criminals.
The 3 components of the criminal justice system are?
Police, Courts, and Corrections
A crime is defined as?
Violating the laws of society by a person or group of people who are subjected to that law
A taboo is a very negative norm and is always a criminal offense.
The Criminal Justice System and all of the agencies have always worked together to prevent crime
The primary of the police in the criminal justice is to?
investigate crime and identify suspects and make arrests
The Interactionist View states that the definition of a crime…
reflects the preferences and opinions of people who hold social power in a given jurisdiction
Laws are created by?
All deviant behavior is criminal in nature.
Folkways are behaviors that are learned and shared from
Social Groups & also known as customs (both A & B)
The Conflict View states that?
society is comprised of a collection of similar groups that can include owners/workers, wealthy/poor, students/professionals, young/old, or more. The view recognizes that the creation of law is unequal and may not have consensus.
The Consensus View states that?
Morays are?
norms of morality
The Courts are?
-fact-finding arm of the system
-determines guilt or innocence
Discretion is never used by anyone in the criminal justice system.
The Corrections Department is responsible for?
Carrying out the sentence imposed by the court.
The legal scholar who created the crime control and due process models of criminal justice was?
Herbert Packer
The Crime Control Model focuses on?
Ethics refers to?
what constitutes good and bad behavior
Who referred to the criminal justice system as a funnel?
Samuel Walker
Packers Due Process model is favored by?
Crime Control Model focuses on the rights of the accused? (Favored by conservatives)
Due process model uses plea bargaining instead of jury trials to ensure that the defendant’s rights are protected.
All criminal cases from traffic violations to capital murder go through the complete criminal justice process, including Jury Trials.
According to the media, violent crime has ___over the past years?
The person who created the wedding cake model of criminal Justice is?
Samuel Walker
When a company’s officers pursue illegal activities in the name of the Company, its known as?
Corporate Crime
Operating a Paniz scheme such as the one that Bernard Madoff operated is an example of?
White Collar Crime
Simple assault is an example of?
The type of crime that most Americans are familiar with is?
Street Crime
According to the media, women are more likely to be victimized by?
Someone they know
The most severe types of crimes are known as property crimes.
The riots which follow several social protests over the last few years are an example of?
Crimes against public order
This is a crime that is punishable by more than 1 year in the penitentiary.
Victimizing a person because of their religion is an example of a
Hate Crime
The dark figure of crime represents all the crimes that are…
all crimes that occur but go unreported.
When more than 1 crime occurs during an incident, only the ___ gets reported to the UCR hierarchy system.
Most serious
Felony crimes are usually punished by an offender just paying fines.
The Criminal Justice System defines a victim as someone who commits criminal act.
Almost all states and the federal government have laws in place to ensure that a victim’s rights are protected when crime occurs.
According to Mendelsohn typology of crime victims, there is no such thing as an innocent victim.
Some reasons why crimes go unreported are?
Victim Precipitation theory suggests that victims…
play an active role in their victimization
NIBERS is an acronym for
National Incident Base Reporting System
Self-Reporting surveys are completed by who?
The National Crime Victimization Survey is a survey that is sent out from the Census Bureau to how many houses every year?
Acts must cause this in order to be considered a crime