Criminal Investigation And Sanction Flashcards
Define bail
The procedure that enables accused people to be released from custody after being charged waiting their hearing or trail
Define charge
When the police formally allege that a person has committed a crime
Define custodial sentence
A sentence where the offender is detained in custody (in prison)
Define denunciate
Where a court shows disapproval
Define guideline judgment
Advice given by the court of appeal that directs what other courts should do when passing sentence in certain types of cases.
Define question of law
A dispute about the law that applies to a particular situation
Define recidivist
A person who continue to commit crimes despite being punished for them
Define rehabilitate
Restore to a life without crime; restore reputation
Define remand
A suspect is refused bail and is held in custody until the trial
Define right to silence
a person can remain silent during police questioning, except in circumstances when they may be required to give their name and address; a person can also elect to not give evidence in court
Define summon
A document telling the accused which court will deal with their criminal case and the mention date (date of first hearing). It is issued if it is believed that the accused will voluntarily attend court, does not pose a danger to the community or will not commit to further offences.
Define surety
Person who guarantees the appearance of an accused person at their trail if they have been released on bail
What is the process of police investigations?
- crime
- investigation
- suspect located
- questioned by police
What are the rights of individual during police questioning?
- informed by police of the charge
- informed by the police of their rights
- right to a communicate lawyers, family or friends before questioning
- to see any rotten statements
- remain silent: the right not to answer any questions during questioning or at the trail, however must supply name and address
What powers do police have?
- question suspect for a reasonable time
- use reasonable force to make an arrest
- question witnesses and victims
- arrest with or without a warrant
- take bloody samples with consent or a court order
- engage in entrapment: monitor a person until they do something wrong
What is the role of the police?
To serve the community and the law. The police preserve the peace, protect life and property. They prevent crime, detect and apprehend offenders and assist victims of crime or other people in times of emergency.
What powers does the court have that can override the police?
The court has the power to exclude any police evidence obtained unfairly or illegally
Police can arrest without warrant any person found committing a summary or indictable offence if police believe it is necessary to:
- ensure the appearance of the offender in court
- preserve public order
- Prevent the continuation or repetition f an offence or the commission of a further offence
- ensure the safety and welfare of the public or the offender
Police can use reasonable force when making an arrest. This will depend on the circumstances. In making an arrest the police will usually:
- tell the suspect that they are under arrest and depending on the circumstance touch the suspect to indicate that they are detained and must remain with the police
- give a reason for the arrest unless the suspect makes it possible to be given info
- caution the suspect that anything said may be use as evidence in court
- inform suspect of right to make contact with another individual
- take the suspect to the police station for questioning.
What is the aim of the criminal sanction, punish?
The law must punish offenders so that victims or their families can seek retribution without taking the law into their own hands. If individuals did take the law into their hands, crime would increase and society would deteriorate. Imprisonment and deprivation of freedom is the ultimate punishment.
What is the aim of the criminal sanction, protect?
In some instances it is necessary to protect the community from the offender. In such cases the offender needs to be removed from society to be physically prevented from re-offending.
What is the aim of the criminal sanction, denunciation?
Refers to the disapproval by the courts. A particular punishment may be given to show the community that the court disapproves of the offenders conduct.
What is the aim of the criminal sanction, deter?
The law aims to deter the offender and the others in society from committing the same or similar offences in the future.
What is the aim of the criminal sanction, rehabilitate?
It is in society’s interest to try to help offenders change their ways, otherwise crime rates and prisoners will escalate. In providing offenders with improved opportunities in the form of education, training, assistance and support, the legal system hopes that offenders will grasp the chance of a better future and become law-abiding citizens.
What are some sanctions that can be imposed by the courts?
- imprisonment
- parole
- concurrent and cumulative sentences
- indefinite sentences
- deferred sentences
Discuss imprisonment, which is a sanction that can be imposed by the courts :
Imprisonment is the most serious type of sanction and should be imposed as a last resort. For some serious offences it may be the only appropriate sanction. Victoria operates 14 prisons in metropolitan and country areas, including two privately owned prisons.
The parliament has set a statutory (required) maximum penalty for some offences.
What is the penalty scale contained in section 109 of the sentencing act 1991 (vic)?
It’s a guideline for judges when sentencing an offender. The imprisonment penalty scale has nine levels.
Level 1: most severe punishment- represents life imprisonment
Level 9: least severe punishment- represents 6 months in prison
Maximum penalties reflect the seriousness of the offence and are a guideline for judges in sentencing. They are reserved for the worts samples of an offence, therefore it’s rare for an offender to be given maximum penalty.
Discuss community correction order, which is a sanction that can be imposed by the courts :
It’s a sentencing option which allows the offender to remain in the community. They will be able to maintain their employment and draw on the assistance of family or friends to take responsibility for their actions and avoid reoffending. A community correction order can be combined with either a fine or up to three months imprisonment. When combined with a term of imprisonment, the order will commence on the offenders release from jail.
What is the maximum period for an order?
For an order to be set in the magistrates court, it’s two years.
The maximum period for an order set in the county court or Supreme Court is equal to the maximum term of imprisonment for the offence or two years, whichever is greater.
The order must commence within three months of being made.
When can a community correction order be used?
It can be used where an offender, who has been found guilty of an offence punishable by more than five penalty units, agrees to the order and the court has received a pre-sentence report.
What are the mandatory conditions attatched to the community correction order?
That the offender will:
- not reoffend
- comply with any other optional conditions set by the courts
- notify authorities of a change of address or employment
The court must select one or more operational conditions so that the community correction order can be tailored to suit the needs of the offender and the circumstances of the offence committed and may include:
- a fine in addition to the order
- a sentence of up to three months imprisonment in addition to the order
The court may also specify when each condition must be completed. For a serious breach of order a court can impose three years or a fine of 30 penalty units
Discuss fine, which is a sanction that can be imposed by the courts :
A fine is a monetary penalty expressed in levels of penalty units that can be imposed with or without a conviction. Fines are expressed this way to make it easier to change fines across all offences. This can be done by increasing the value of penalty units.
When deciding on the level of a fine, the court will consider:
- the responsibilities of the offender, including dependants
- the financial circumstances of the offender, their income, employment
- the value of benefit received by the offender from the offence
- any forfeiture, compensation or restitution order imposed.
What are two bodies that we can use to obtain legal advice?
The community legal centres, the law institute of Victoria and the justice connect.
Discuss what is the community legal center:
There are 51 community legal centres across Victoria that specialise in providing assistance to people in one or more areas of law in a particular geographical location. For example, the tenants Union of Victoria will assist renters with tenancy diputes, while the Barwon Community Legal Service provides general legal assistance to people in the Geelong/Barwon, Colac and Warrnambool regions.
The staff running the centres (both legal and administrative) may be paid workers or volunteers. Law students often volunteer to work in these centres to gain practical experience. The centres are funded from a variety of sources including state, federal and local governments, philanthropic foundations and charitable contributions. The centres help people with legal problems, provide free legal advice and help people access the appropriate legal information and assistance. They also contribute to community education and law reform programs.
Discuss what the justice connect is:
Justice Connect, once known as the Public Interest Law Clearing House, is a non-profit organisation which specialises in coordinating the pro bono work of the legal profession in cases of public interest. Pro bono work is work that is provided free or at a reduced fee.
The aim of Justice Connect is to provide access to the legal system for eligible clients. Eligible clients are non-profit associations with public interest objectives or individuals with a legal matter of public interest who cannot pay for legal assistance elsewhere. Justice Connect matches clients with pro bono members.
Discuss the law institute of Victoria:
The Law Institute provides an online directory to help the public find legal professionals and free fact sheets covering a range of legal topics.