In what circumstances can Criminal Damage be aggravated?
Apart from as a CHAP offence (hate crime)
When, at the time of causing the damage, the person INTENDED to endanger the life of another or was SUBJECTIVELY RECKLESS as to whether life would be endangered
When is Criminal Damage dealt with by way of FPN?
Property valued under £300
When is Criminal Damage a summary only offence?
Property valued UNDER £5000
When is Criminal Damage an either way offence?
Property valued ABOVE £5000
When is Criminal Damage an Indictable Only offence?
When it is aggravated by intent/SR endangering life.
Can Criminal Damage be attempted?
Yes, irrespective of value.
Summary offences cannot usually be attempted, but Criminal Damage is only summary by virtue of the value of the damaged property, therefore it can be attempted on any level.
What does it mean to destroy ?
The object has been rendered useless
What does it mean to damage?
The object has been physically harmed.
This does not have to be permanent. Especially if it can be put right at cost.
Can it be aggravated if no or minor damage is caused?
I.e not endangering life…
Yes. It is the INTENT or SR that completes the offence if the damage is minor.
If there is no damage, it will be an attempt.
Revision: Can an attempt be aggravated??
What is classified as property?
- Real property (land, buildings)
- Personal property
- Money
- Animals (if ordinarily kept as pets/in captivity, or in the process of being reduced into possession).
What is different about the definition of “PROPERTY” in Criminal Damage than in Theft legislation?
Think Land…
Land can be criminally damaged but land cannot be stolen.
Are WILD mushrooms/flowers/foliage/fruit growing on PRIVATE land considered the landowners property?
WILD mushrooms, flowers, foliage or fruit on ANY land - public and private - are NOT property.
If it is damaged to a point where it cannot regrow- that will be Theft. I.e cutting down a wild apple tree on private land.
When can you Criminally Damage your own property?
When someone else has a proprietary right or interest in it (i.e joint ownership)
When the property has a charge on it (hire purchase or financed by bank, etc).
Whose property has to be damaged for either criminal damage or the aggravated offence to be committed?
Criminal Damage: Someone else’s property (i.e not your own, unless specific exception applies)
Aggravated: ANYONE’s property. EVEN YOUR OWN!!