Crimes Against Public Order Flashcards
What are the crimes against public order in Chapter 1?
Article 134 to Article 142
A. Rebellion or Insurrection
B. coup d’etat
C. Conspiracy and proposal to commit A and B
D. Disloyalty of public officers or employees
E. Inciting to Rebellion
F. Sedition
G. Conspiracy to commit sedition
H. Inciting to Sedition
What are the elements of Rebellion or Insurrection?
- That there be :
a. public uprising and
b. taking of arms against the Government. - Purpose of uprising or movement is either to:
a. Remove from the allegiance to said Government or it’s laws
I. The territory of the Philippines or any part thereof
II. Any body of land, naval or other armed forces
b. Deprive the Chief executive or Congress wholly or partially of their powers or prerogatives
What are the distinctions between rebellion and treason?
Rebellion- The uprising is against the government with the purpose of substituting the existing government with another
Treason- Offender levies war against the government by giving aid or comfort to the enemy with the purpose of delivering the government to the enemy
What is the distinction between rebellion and insurrection?
Rebellion - The object movement
completely overthrow
supersede the existing government.
Insurrection- The movement seeks merely to effect some change of minor importance,
Or to prevent the exercise of governmental authority with respect to particular matters or subjects.
What are the elements of coup d’etat?
1. Offender is a person or persons belonging to the military or police or holding any public office or employment.
- There be a swift attack accompanied by violence, intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth;
- The purpose of the attack is seize or diminish State power;
- The attack is directed against duly constituted authorities of the Republic of the Philippines, or any military camp or installation, communication networks, public utilities or other facilities needed for the exercise and continued possession of power
What is the essence of the crime of coup d’etat?
The essence of the crime is a swift attack upon the facilities of the Philippine government, military camps and installations, communication networks, public utilities and facilities essential to the continued possession of governmental powers.
What is the objective of coup d’etat?
The objective of coup d’etat is to destabilize or paralyze the government through the seizure of facilities and utilities essential to the continued possession and exercise of governmental powers.
Who are the principal offender of coup d’etat?
The principal offenders are members of the AFP or of the PNP organization or a public officer with or without civilian support.
Who are the persons liable for rebellion, insurrection or coup d’etat?
- Leader
a. Any person who promotes, maintains, or heads a rebellion or insurrection.
b. Any person who leads, directs, or commands others to undertake coup d’etat. - Participants
a. Any person who participates or executes
the commands of others in rebellion, or
b. Any person in the government service
who participates, or executes directions or commands of others in undertaking a coup d’etat.
c. Any person not in the government service who participates, supports, finances, abets, or aids in undertaking a coup d’etat.
What are the crimes punished under Article 136?
- Conspiracy to commit coup d’etat
- Proposal to commit coup d’etat
- Conspiracy to commit rebellion or insurrection 4. Proposal to commit rebellion or insurredtion
When is there conspiracy to commit coup d’etat?
When two or more persons belonging to the military or police or holding any public office or employment come to an agreement to seize or diminish State power through a swift attack accompanied by violence, intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth against duly constituted authorities of the Republic of the Philippines, or any military camp or installation, communication networks, public utilities or other facilities needed for the exercise and continued possession of power and decide to commit it.
When is there proposal to commit coup d’etat?
When the person belonging to the military or police or holding any public office or employment who has decided to seize or diminish State power through a swift attack accompanied by violence, intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth against duly constituted authorities of the Republic of the Philippines, or any military camp or installation, communication networks, public utilities or other facilities needed for the exercise and continued possession of power proposes its execution to some other person or persons.
When is there conspiracy to commit a rebellion?
When two or more persons come to an agreement to rise publicly and take arms against the government for any of the purposes of rebellion and decide to commit it.
When can there be proposal to commit rebellion?
When the person who has decided to rise publicly and take arms against the government for any of the purposes of rebellion proposes its execution to some other person or persons.
What are the acts pf disloyalty which are punish by Art. 137?
They are:
1. Failing to resist a rebellion by all the
means in their power.
2. Continuing to discharge the duties of their
offices under the control of the rebels.
3. Accepting appointment to office under