Crime U9 Flashcards
a woman who killed her husbands
black widow
kill someone famous
to have a court say you did or didn’t commit a crime
to be found guilty / innocent
to ask to go to a higher court for another trial
to appeal a veredict
someone who says in court what they know or saw
a witness
to say that you commited a crime
to make a confession
to say that the confession you made before wasn’t true
to retract a confession
the lawyers who try to prove that someone is innocent
the defence
the lawyers who try to prove that someone is guilty
the prosecution
to give information in a court
to give evidence
to not give information that is important in a trial
to withhold evidence
to be told that you will spend the rest of your life in prison
to be sentenced to life imprisonment
facts or information
evidence or proof
group of people who give a veredict
a public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court
a decision on an issue in a civil or criminal case
a type of crime that is not considered serious when compared with some other crimes
minor or petty crime
crimes such as assassination, murder…
major crime
a punishment imposed for breaking a law
information received from other people which cannot be substantiated
accused person
a formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings.
abduction or kidnapping
setting fire deliberately to someone else’s property
physical attack
break into a building intending to commit a crime
physical maltreatment of a child
child abuse
import illegal drugs
drug trafficking
import humans
human trafficking
to kill a person
homicide or murder
to plan in advance how to kill someone
attempted murder or premeditated murder
to kill someone without malice
manslaughter or unpremeditated murder
to kill your own father
to kill thousands of people
the illegal movement of goods into or out of a country
financially motivated non violent crimes made by workers
white collar crimes
organized crimes
to kill to prevent from suffering
to offer an item to influence someone’s action
to offer an item to influence someone’s action
to offer an item to influence someone’s action
to steal from someone’s pockets
unlawfully seize a vehicle in transit and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one’s own purposes
an individual or group who sells or supply’s controlled drugs/substance
drug dealing
an individual or group who sells or supply’s controlled drugs/substance
drug dealing
stealing from a shop
deliberate destruction of private property
deliberate destruction of private property
to drive while being drunk
drunk driving
to drive quickly through a red traffic
running a red light
to drive quickly through a red traffic
running a red light
to drive faster than allowed
a person has crossed a street where a crosswalk and/or traffic
jay walking
to force someone to have sex when they are unwilling
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
any type of violence exercised against sons and daughters with the purpose of causing psychological damage to the mother
vicarious violence
a sum imposed as punishment for an offense
unpaid work, intended to be of social use, that an offender is required to do instead of going to prison
comunity service
unpaid work, intended to be of social use, that an offender is required to do instead of going to prison
comunity service
the state of being kept as a prisoner in one’s own house, rather than in a prison
house arrest
state of being imprisoned
an order to be admitted to and detained in a specified hospital
hospital order
the offender must spend the rest of their life in prison
life sentence
punishment by execution
death penalty - capital punishment - row
take away a license
to revoke a license
your license or driving privilege will be taken away for a period of time
to suspend a license
to take someone’s belongings
restriction of children at home from going out
to be grounded
to stay in school after hours
officially leave a school
to be expelled or to expel
to make a student copy the same sentence several times
to give lines
children are removed from their classroom and placed in a designated area
speaking angrily to someone because you disapprove of their behaviour