Crime & Deviance First Midterm Flashcards
Definition of Crime
Demonstrated Harm to Other, when social harm occurs
Conceptual Difficulties: What are the definitions of crime and deviance hard?
Definitions vary across time and space
Depend on people’s definitions of situations
Marxists perception of deviance
liberating acts of rebellion against capitalism
Functionalist perception of deviance
institutional restraint as vital to social harmony
one theory cannot explain all forms of deviance
Schur, Becker, and Szaz perceptions of Crime
All agree that state interference often leads to more deviance
What are the 4 minimums to demonstrate causality
1) variables should covary
2) temporal sequence
3) covariance should be nonspurious
4) research should be theoretically based
when variables are associated with one another
When researching crime and deviance, should always include age, SES, sex, and visible minority status
Examples of causality covariance correlations
As SES increases, # of crimes diminishes
Crime is more common in males
Temporal Sequence
suggests that cause must come before effect
independent variable (cause) must come before dependent variable (effect)
ex: age and violence
NonSpurious Relationships
When the relationship between 2 variables cannot be caused by a third variable
findings should be easily replicated
refers to whether a research has practiced what they have examined
Double-Barreled Questions
Where there is two questions within one
Common issues with research Validity and Reliability
Double barreled questions, competent respondents, long questions, negative statements within questions, representativeness
Best way to be confident in your research
Triangulate the data but achieving the same result using numerous methods
Calhoun Research
1962, Calhoun performed an experiment with 60 rats investigating the relationship between population density and deviant behavior.
Came to some heavy conclusions about behavior… however his conclusions were very problematic…
-humans chose to live in cities, rats were put in cage
-high density is a relative concept (Tokyo vs Calgary)
-sex ratio: crime is a male behavior
Canadian Uniform Crime Reports
Stats analysis of all crime reported to police…
the statistic of violent crime has changed due to a change in the definition of violent crime
Crime Funnel
the recognition that all crime is much greater than the amount of people convicted of crime!! Variables occur I the detection, report, finding, and conviction
only 3% of crimes in 1998 resulted in a conviction
Examples of Observation Studies
John Howard Griffen, Black Like Me
Humphrey’s Tea Room Trade