Crime and punishment in early modern England c1500-c1700 Flashcards
What factors affected change in crime and punishment?
- Population growth
- Economic changes
- Printing
- Religious turmoil
- Political change
- Landowners’ attitude
Why did population growth change crime and punishment?
- made it harder to find work
Why did economic changes change crime and punishment?
- Vulnerable to high rises in prices of food caused by bad harvests
- Fall-off in trade could lead to unemployment and hardship
Why did printing cause changes in crime and punishment?
- Easier to spread messages about crime and punishment
Why did religious turmoil cause changes in crime and punishment?
- Increased public belief in evil and supernatural explanations
Why did political change cause changes in crime and punishment?
What was criminal activity like in the early modern period?
- Enclosure of land
- Hunting and poaching
- rise in smuggling
- vagabondage
- heresy and treason
- witchcraft
What was the Game act 1671?
Made it illegal to poach on enclosed land
What was smuggling like in the early modern period?
- Rose as government introduced import duties on a range of goods
- Smugglers chose secluded parts of the coastline so it was hard to patrol
- Difficult to police as many people benefited from it and did not view it as serious
What was vagabondage like in the early modern period?
- increased as population grew and wages fell (
+ increasing food prices) - homeless unemployed beggars searching for work that turned to crime
- all vagabonds seen as violent, lazy and a threat
What were the 4 Vagabond laws?
- Vagrancy act 1547
- Vagabonds act 1572
- Poor relief act 1576
- Poor laws 1601
What was the vagrancy act 1547?
Violent and harsh
- Able bodies vagrants out of work for more than 3 days:
-branded with the letter V
-sold as a slave for 3 years
What was the vagabonds act 1572?
Harsh punishments that acted as deterrents
- vagrants whipped
- holes drilled through each ear
- imprisoned on second arrest
- death penalty on third arrest
What was the poor relief act 1576?
Improved attitudes
- Able bodied poor out of work sent to house of corrections (funded by poor rates)
What was the poor laws 1601?
Fair treatment of vagabonds
- Compulsory nationwide poor rates
- Begging was banned
- Anyone caught begging was whipped and sent back to place of birth
Overall, how did treatment of vagabonds change?
- initially unfair
- became increasingly violent
- then became more reasonable