Crime and Deviance - Statistics Flashcards
Trends in crime since the 1930s
1930s - 1950s
- Gradual Rise In Crime – end of the war, returning soldiers feeling frustrated. Rise in standard of living. Leading to relative deprivation.
1950 – 1980
- Steeper Rise In Crime – Time of economic growth and social anomie with changes in the role of women and wider society.
1980 – Mid 1990
- Rapid increase – Time of economic recession which led to higher relative deprivation and unemployment.
Mid 1990 - 2016
- Gradual annual decline – Could be due to changes in the reporting, New types of crime which are not included. E.g. Cyber crime
Official statistics
Those which are collected by government agencies and usually published by the Office of National Statistics (ONS)
Official crime rate
The Official Crime Rate is the statistics that are complied using police, court and prison records.
The British Crime Survey
The British Crime Survey are the statistics which were complied through victim surveys and self report survey’s. 50,000 people over the age of 16 are asked annually if they have been a victim or crime.
Sources of crime statistics - Police Recorded Crime
Police Recorded Crime -
- These are the statistics compiled based on the reports filed by the police.
- These are crimes which are investigated by the police.
- They may not end in a conviction or court case.
Evaluation - Not all crimes that are
reported to the police are
recorded by the police.
Sources of crime statistics - Victim Surveys
- Part of the British Crime Survey, 50,000 people are asked if they were a victim of crime in the past 12
Evaluation -
- People don’t always know they are victims of crime.
- May record crimes as something different to the police.
- Relies on memory.
Sources of crime statistics - Court records
- Compiled using the court records of which cases are taken to prosecution. They include information about the defendants, victims and types of crime as well as the results of case (Guilty or Not
Evaluation -
- Only records crimes that are taken to court. Crimes can be reported and not taken to court for various reasons
such as lack of evidence or a pre-trial deal.
Sources of crime statistics - Prison Records
- Looks at the composition of the prison system including: Ethnic makeup, gender, age and class.
- Also looks at length of sentence and recidivism rates.
Evaluation -
- Not all crimes are punished with a custodial sentence.
- Middle class criminals are more likely to get a fine or suspended sentence. This can lead to court records being biased towards the working class
Sources of crime statistics - Self-report survey
- Self report surveys ask people if they have committed a crime in the
last 12 months. These are conducted along side victim surveys annually.
Around 50,000 people over 16 are asked.
Evaluation - People may not know if they have committed a crime as
some crimes are not seen as real crime(e.g. Speeding), also relies on memory and truthfulness.
Reasons for unreported crimes
- Embarrassment
- Fear
- Don’t know they are a victim of crime.
- Deal with it themselves
- Distrust the police
Reasons for unrecorded crimes
- Not all crimes are entered into official figures
- Police
- Priorities/targeting
- Status of the victim
- Work Relations
Reasons for increasing crime rates between the 1950s and 1990s
- Better policing (advanced technology, investigative methods, DNA etc)
- Additional crimes reported/recorded (cyber, discrimination, terrorism etc)
- More laws
- More state intervention (political promise to eradicate crime!)
- More victims (population increasing so more people to commit and experience crime)
- Less willingness to ignore it - more reported
- Victim confidence to pursue reporting and conviction
Crime is down by 9% in England and Wales
- This can be claimed to be because of the work of politicians, but is more likely due to changes in society
Two types of data
1) Official Crime Rate
- Police recorded crime, court and prison records
2) British Crime Survey
- Victim surveys - speaks to people to get statistics, and includes crimes not reported to police
- Self-report surveys completed by prisoners in custody
Two measures of crime
- Police recorded crime (4.5m to 5.2m)
- Crime estimated by the England and Wales Crime Survey (5.8m excluding fraud, 10.8m including fraud)