Crime and Deviance Flashcards
Non-conformity to a given social norm or set of norms which are considered important by a significant group in a society
Rules of behavior that we follow in everyday life
Strong norms that are regarded as morally significant
Most powerful social norms
Mark of social disgrace that separates the deviant from “normal” people
Process through which we learn to voluntarily accept group norms
External control
Using sanctions to coerce us into conformity
Any reaction from other people to the behavior of an individual or group who has the aim of ensuring conformity to a social norm
Informal Social Control
Takes place as sanctions are applied through the spontaneous reaction of others
Formal Social Control
Sanctions are imposed by a formal agent of social control which has been given the Statutory responsibility to ensure that particular norms are followed by sanctioning behavior
Formal norms, and their violation is handled by officials in the criminal and civil justice system
Category of deviance. The violation of norms which are formally sanctioned by the criminal law system
Bureaucratisation of informal social control
We are increasingly subject to surveillance when going about out everyday activities, and private behavioral choices are becoming more subject to state regulation i.e. smoking behavior, drinking behavior
Indirect victim
Those in society who suffer the fear of
becoming victims
People accept both the approved goals and approved methods of achieving them. Conformists want to achieve success and generally use approved means even if they are unsuccessful