Crime and Deviance Flashcards
Left Realism: Lea and young, Runciman
Relative deprivation - people realise that that their are people more financially successful and realise they are deprived. commit crimes to combat their deprivation.
Individualism that drives deviancy - seeking out their own interests at the expense of others
Left Realism: Late, Modernity, exclusion and crime (Young)
Young -
factors that have created this society
Instability of society - insecurity - e.g: bank interest going up, reducing welfare payments, exclusion outside of society.
New right -Maggie Thatcher 1979 - 1990 - loss of industrial jobs - braking down of working class communities - restricting welfare payments
Cultural inclusion - access media that promotes materialism and consumerism - economic exclusion - cant afford the life style.
Middle class class crime - someone more richer than you.
less informal control - community and family breakdown - diversity of people with different beliefs - community break down -less tolerance for crime
Left realism solutions - lea, young and kinsey
lea, young and
harsh policing scares communities - less public support of the police - less people reporting to them, 90% of crimes are reported to the police by the public - police domt know how to crack down on crime
crack down on structur;al issues such as institutional discrimination.
marginalised, subcultural
to come to terms with their situation they turn to religion because it provides them with a reason to their situation e.g; ‘its gods plan’
marginalised - people are rejected from society and face social exclusion because of their deprivation - express frustration by committing crimes. unemployed- no one to represent them
Left Realism and government policy
New Labour government 1990-2010 - ‘tough on crime and causes’.
ASBO’s - anti social behaviour orders
these were put in place to make the gov look good
Right Realism - causes of crime
Hernstien and Wilson - bio social theory - people are more biologically prone to violence. personality traits - risk taking, aggressive, extroversion, low impulse control.
Hernstien and Murray - low intelligence is biological and also a factor.
Murray - socialisation and control - effective socialisation prevents crime e.g: self control, internalising moral values. Murray - rise in crime rate - growing underclass due to welfare dependency/ which encourages mothers to raise children without their fathers (single parenthood)/ no male role model for young boys seek role models from delinquents/ status through gangs rather than providing from the family with a steady job.
Rational choice theory - Clarke - Risk v Reward - based on if the consequences of the crime outweigh the reward or vice versa.
Right Realism - solutions
Harsher punishments - severe penalties
Wilson and Kelling - remove signs of deterioration in neighbourhood e.g: graffiti/vandalism - signs of lack of cohesion invites crimes.
Zero tolerance - harsh policing, stop and search
Target hardening - make difficult for people break into e.g: CCTV
Right Realism - Young’s rebuttal (study)
New York Study - crime had begun falling in NYC 9 yrs before zero tolerance. success of over policing is a myth peddled by police and politicians.
Traditional marxist thoery
Chambliss - capitalism is a dog eats dog system that encourages greed at any costs.
State ad law making
The ruling class uses the law to protect their own interests
Snider - laws do not sacrifice the profits of the ruling class
laws that appear to benefit the working class are actually there to benefit capitalism.
Ideological function
Carson - the ruling class are never held accountable for their crimes
Neo Marxist theory - Tall Young and Taylor - proper structure for theories of crime
Hall - study (neo marxist)
1980s - black people used as scape goats for economic and political crisis - hysteria over black crime/mugging was used to hide corruption of the ruling class
subcultural theory - brake
working class young people oppose capitalism - form subcultures used as a safe haven/anecdote to the political and economic oppression - express frustration through music art etc - but later on eventually abide by capitalist system - e.g: paying mortgages, having a family etc.
Interactionist : Labelling theory/ self fulfilling prophecy
Becker - police use stereotypes to try to combat crime
Cicourel - use typifications of deviants - usually working class people are more likely to be arrested and prosecuted whereas middle class people aren’t considered the criminal type and can use their capital to get away with their crimes.
E.g: Prince Andrew, study from March 2020 and April 2021, 7.5 of 1000 white people are stopped and searched, 52.6 of 1000 black people are stopped and searched.
primary deviance, secondary deviance , master status
Interactionist theory: Labelling theory/ self fulfilling prophecy - young study
hippies 1960s - police stereotyped hippies as drug users created unnecessary hysteria, isolated from society, hippies retreated in to drug using as a way to distinguish their identity/ express their difference.
functionalism - hirschi and Gottfredson, miller, cohen, cloward and cohen