Crim Pro Flashcards
What is the equation to criminal procedures?
Crim law + Crim pro = Police Tactics
What parts does criminal procedure involve?
Exigent circumstances, detained, handcuffs,frisk, interview, interrogation
What are 4 sources of crim pro?
RCW, constitutional documents, WA court rules, Case Law, Common Law, Agency Policies
Fill in the blank
Police officers do not always have to be RIGHT, but they must always act REASONABLE, given the totality of the circumstances
Is there absolute immunity for police officers?
What is qualified immunity?
A principle of federal civil rights litigation
It is a defense to standing civil trial
What sanctions/ punishments are there for LE?
Criminal liability
Civil liability
Departmental liability
What are the 4 questions involved in the public duty doctrine?
Do we have a duty owed? Is there a duty breached? Were actual damages suffered? Was the duty breached the proximate cause for the damages suffered?
What 4 questions must LE ask themselves about their actions?
Within dept. policy?