CRILD Flashcards
What message is Shakespeare sending when MB says: ‘I have no spurs to prick the sides of my intent, only vaulting ambition’?
Shakespeare is sending a message to all traitors.
What is Shakespeare doing when B says: ‘It was said… that myself should be the root and father of many kings’?
Shakespeare was deliberately flattering James 1.
Is MB the play a piece of political propaganda?
What are the main themes of MB?
Ambition and power.
The supernatural.
Appearances and reality.
Was Jacobean England a Patriarchy or a Matriarchy?
A Patriarchy.
Is Macbeth a Comedy, Tragedy or Romance?
A Tragedy.
What key national event took place before the writing of MB?
The gunpowder plot.
Did Jacobean England believe in the supernatural?
Which character was a descendant of James the first?
What country does MB take place in?
What is the name of the era MB was written in?
Jacobean era.
What is the name of the belief that king were appointed by god?
Divine right of kings.
What is the name for the act of killing a king?
What was the book that James the first wrote about?
The supernatural .
Why did Shakespeare want to flatter King James?
He was the patron of his theatre company.