CRF 21 and CRF 45 Flashcards
What is included in exempt research?
- Educational practices
- Survey/test data that can’t be identified or cause harm if identified
- Benign behavioral intervention - can’t be identified or cause harm
- Secondary research in which consent is not required, or broad consent can be used, including storage and maintenance
- Public benefit or service programs
- Taste and food quality eval studies
What is considered RESEARCH according to 45 CRF 46?
A systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge
What is a clinical trial?
A research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions to evaluate the effects of the interventions
What is an Intervention?
Physical procedures by which information or biospecimens are gathered and manipulation of the subject or subject’s environment for research purposes
IRB’s should include…
- at least 5 members
- One scientific member and one non-scientific member
- One member not affiliated with institution
Why would a continuing review not be required?
- Eligible for expedited or limited review
- In data analysis only
- Accessing follow-up data through normal clinical care
Criteria for IRB approved research
- Risks are minimized
- Benefits outweigh risks
- Selection of subjects is equitable
- Informed consent will be sought and documented
- Data monitoring for safety
- Protect privacy/confidentiality
How long should IRB records be retained according to part 50.
3 years after the completion of the research
What are the basic elements of informed consent (there’s 9)?
- Statement of purpose, duration, and procedures
- Risks and discomforts
- benefits
- alternative procedures
- Confidentiality
- Compensation in case of injury
- Contact info
- Participation is voluntary
- Statement about collection and storage of identifiable info/specimens
What does a broad consent include?
-A general description of research that may be conducted,
- identifiable info that might be used,
- period of time of storage,
- a statement that they will not be contacted for additional uses,
- a statement that results may not be disclosed, and contact info.
Who should sign the protocol?
Sponsor and investigator
What is an Adverse Drug Reaction?
An unwanted reaction to a drug (or normal dose) that is suspected to be related to the drug but unintended
What form do investigators use if they have financial disclosures?
Disclosure : financial interest in arrangements of clinical investigators
What form do investigators use if they DO NOT have financial disclosures? Certification:
Financial interests in arrangements of clinical investigators.
What is a short form consent?
Attests that the elements of informed consent have been presented orally to either the participant or the participant’s legally authorized representative - used for non-English speaking subjects. IRB approves the summary.
Who should sign a short form?
Subject or LAR signs the short form, the witness signs both the short form and the summary, and the person explaining consent signs the summary. Subject gets a copy of both.
When is research with pregnant women allowed?
- There’s been previous research
- Benefit outweighs risk to both mother and fetus
- Direct benefit woman and /or fetus, or not greater than minimal risk
- When benefit is solely to fetus, father should sign consent
- Researchers do not have any part in decisions for termination or viability of neonate
Who must sign the consent if research is done on a non-viable neonate or if there is only benefit to the fetus?
Both mother and father or their LAR. One can sign of other is unable. LARs can’t sign for nonviable neonates
What are the IRB requirements for research with prisoners?
A majority of the board has no association with the prison.
At least one member is a prisoner or prisoner representative
When is research with wards allowed?
- related to their statuses as wards
- Conducted in settings, where the majority of children involved are not wards.
- The IRB requires an appointment of an advocate reach that is not associated with the research
What are IRB registration requirements including updates?
- Approved by OHRP.
- Registration must be renewed every three years.
- any changes must be updated within 90 days.
- Disbanding or discontinuation of IRB must be reported to OHRP in writing within 30 days
What needs to happen if there’s an immediate use of a test article before IRB approval?
A physician who is not part of the investigation needs to review and evaluate the use, and be submitted to the IRB within five business days
Who is responsible for approval of exception of informed consent for emergency research and how long do they have to retain records?
The IRB is responsible for reviewing, approving, and ensuring procedures are in place to get consent if possible.
3 years after completion of investigation
What happens if an IRB cannot approve a clinical trial?
IRB must document and promptly provide findings in writing to the investigator and sponsor. The sponsor must then promptly inform the FDA and all other site investigators.
Research that involves more than minimal risk with children, must be:
- Risk is justified by the anticipated benefits
- Benefit to the child
- Assent of child and permission of parent
- Intervention will yield knowledge of vital importance
- Sound ethical principles are followed
True or False: The FDA may restrict, suspend or terminate an IRBs use of expedited review when necessary to protect the welfare of subjects.
What should IRB records include?
- Copies of all documents submitted by investigators
- Minutes
- Records of Continuing reviews
- Correspondence with investigators
- List of IRB members
- Written procedures
- Statements of significant new findings
What are the requirements for labeling an investigational new drug?
- Must be labeled “Cautions: New Drug-Limited Federal law to investigational use”
- Cannot bear any false or misleading statements (safety and efficacy)
What are the requirements if a sponsor wants to charge for an investigational drug?
- Provide evidence of potential clinical benefit
- Data to be obtained is essential to establish safety and efficacy
- Demonstrate that trial could not happen without charging
What are the requirements for charging for expanded access (of an investigational drug)?
- Assurance that charging will not interfere with developing drug for approval
- Evidence the trial has sufficient enrollment, progress and milestones
- Charge is limited to the # of patients authorized to receive drug
- Access limited to 1 year from FDA auth - can request additional
Phase 1
Tests the safety, dosage range and side effects in a small # of people (20-80)
Also include studies on drug metabolism and the mechanism of action in humans
Phase 2
Tests the efficacy, safety, and optimal dosage of a new treatment in a larger group (100-300) with a specific disease/indication
Phase 3
Additional info on efficacy and safety (monitor adverse reactions) to evaluate the overall risk-benefit relationship (several hundred to several thousand volunteers)
IND Cover Sheet
-form 1571
-sponsor info, phase, IRB info, monitor info, CRO info, signature of sponsor