Crew responsibilities 3.2.1 Flashcards
PF and PM responsibilities
- flight path
- power lever and propeller condition lever
- Navigation
- Aircraft configuration
- Initiate procedures and checklists
- Read normal checklists
- ATC comms
- Fuel Condition Lever
- Monitor aircraft systems and flight path
Review flight plan, meteorology, NOTAMS, route: CA FO
Remove covers: CA FO
External Inspection: CA
Verify documents and safety items: FO 1
Verify passenger cabin: FO 2
Prelim Cockpit Preparation: FO
Final Cockpit Preparation: CA
Verify logbook: CA FO
Refueling: CA FO 3
Weigh checked in baggage: FO
PAX Boarding supervision: CA
Weight and Balance Sheet: FO
Copy Clearance: FO
External Inspection Checklist: CA 4
Speech and PA: PF
ATC and CCO comms: FO
Engine Start: CA
T/O Briefing: PF 5
- FO verifies all documents are on board, all safety items are valid and EFBs are updated and functional according to MGO
- FO verifies state of the seats, seatbelts, and safety placards are in all seat pockets.
- The amount of fuel to be loaded must be at least what is stated in the dispatch manual under “CMR”, while evaluating weather conditions and other adverse factors which may require more fuel than stated in the dispatch manual.
- CA executes the external security check whilst verifying all doors and PODS are closed, tail stand is removed with the pin stowed in the cockpit, covers removed and stowed, and the area around the aircraft cleared for start and taxi with the removal of cones, chocks, and any other nearby items. External Inspection Checklist must be read before entering the aircraft.
- Take-Off briefing must be executed before starting taxi.
Comms with ATC: FO
Taxi: CA
Briefing de Decolagem (alterations): PF
AFCS management with AP on: PF*
AFCS management with AP off: PM*
FMS G1000/GNSS AP off or on: PM
Notify company of take-off: PM
Comms with ATC: PM
- On analogue aircraft the HDG and CRS bugs are only on the CA’s side. If the FO is PF he must dictate to the CA the desired inputs.
FMS G1000/GNSS AP on: PF*
FMS G1000/GNSS AP off: PM*
Logbook: FO 1
Fuel balance: PM
Comms with ATC: PM
Speech and PA: PF
Flight tracking via foreflight: PF PM
- FO is responsible for filling out the logbook, the CA must verify the numbers and sign off each step. When the FO is PF he must transfer controls and comms to the CA before filling the logbook.
- On analogue aircraft the HDG and CRS bugs are only on the CA’s side. If the FO is PF he must dictate to the CA the desired inputs.
Descent Preparation
Cabin preparation and approach briefing require control transfer and must be completed before TOD
Copy destination ATIS and check NOTAMS: PF
FMS G1000/GNSS programming: PF
Review STAR/IAC restrictions and crosscheck with FMS: PF PM
Approach Briefing: PF
Approach and Landing
Speech and PA: PF
AFCS management with AP on: PF*
AFCS management with AP off: PM*
FMS G1000/GNSS AP off or on: PM
Notify company “in range”: PM 2
Exterior Lights: N/A
FSTN Seat belt sign: CA
ATC Comms: PM
- The latest “in range” should be reported is by IAF.
- On analogue aircraft the HDG and CRS bugs are only on the CA’s side. If the FO is PF he must dictate to the CA the desired inputs.
Logbook: FO
Discrepancies: FO 3
Inform hours to company (CCO): FO
- Discrepancies at CA’s wishes.
How to read checklists
Challenge/response: each item is verbalized and confirmed visually by both pilots
Silent: Upon request of a checklist the other pilot executes each item silently
Read and do: each item is announced along with its execution.
“AS RQD”: state the current status of the item.
“Hold checklist at (item)”: stop reading the checklist at the requested item.
“Resume checklist”: continue from held item.
The checklist should be restarted in its entirety when:
Houver ação de manutenção na cabine de comando;
A cabine de comando ficar desassistida; Alguém tenha entrado na cabine de comando sem estar acompanhado por um dos Pilotos;
Exista dúvida em relação ao item em que o checklist foi interrompido;
Dois itens ou mais do checklist não forem realizados.
The Before Take-off checklist should be restarted:
When a significant delay occurs between the completion of the checklist and take off authorization
When departing runway has changed