Creswell (2007) Chapter 2 Flashcards
the research design process in quali research begins with
philosophical assumptions that the inquirers make in deciding to undertake a quali study
researchers bring their own worldviews, paradigms, or sets of beliefs to the research project
these inform the conduct and writing of the quali study
interpretive and theoretical frameworks
used by researchers to further shape the study
assumptions, paradigms, and frameworks should be explicit and at a minimum
to be aware that they influence the conduct of inquiry
- Ontology
- Epistemology
- Axiology
- Rhetorical
- Methodological assumptions
assumptions, paradigms, and interpretive frameworks often…
overlap and reinforce each other
- Ontology
- Epistemology
- Axiology
- Rhetorical
- Methodological assumptions
- nature of reality
- reality is subjective and multiple
- researcher uses quotes and themes in words of participants and provides evidence of different perspectives
epistemology (what distinguishes justified belief from opinion)
- how the researcher knows what he/she knows
- the relationship between the researcher and that being researched
- researcher attempts to lessen distance between him/herself and that being researched
- researcher collaborates, spends time in field with participants, and becomes an “insider”
- the role of values in the research
- researcher acknowledges that research is value-laden and biases are present
- researcher openly discusses values that shape the narrative and includes his/her own interpretation in conjunction with the interpretation of the participants
- the language of research
- researcher writes in a literary, informal style using the personal voice and uses quali terms and limited definitions
- researcher uses an engaging style of narrative, may use first-person pronoun, and employs the language of quali research
- the methods used in the process
- researcher uses inductive logic, studies the topic within its context, and uses an emerging design
- researcher works with particulars (details) before generalizations, describes in detail the context of the study, and continually revises questions from experiences in the field
Creswell does not contrast qualitative or naturalistic assumptions with conventional or positive assumptions, acknowledging that
today quali research is legitimate in its own right and doesn’t need to be compared to achieve respectability