CREOG Review Flashcards
What positioning causes the majority of femoral nerve compression? P/w? MCC? RF’s? Trmt?
Extreme flexion, abduction and external rotation of the hip can cause femoral nerve to be compressed under inguinal ligament. Cutaneous dysthesia in anterior/medial thigh, anteromedial leg/foot, decreased leg extension and thigh flexion, most objective = decreased/absent knee reflex. MCC’s = poor positioning, compression from retractors & hematoma, suture transfixation, surgical transection. RF’s = BMI
Causes of postpartum incontinence? Work-up? Trmt?
MCC = anal sphincter injuries, pudendal nerve injury, neuro (MS), GI (IBS) and Rx’s. PE for sphincter tone assessment and endoanal U/S. Only 35% of those with e/o sphincter probs on U/S were incontinent. Fecal incontinence = 60 sensitive and 80% specific for sphincter injury. Trmt = EMG biofeedback for weakness but no anatomic deficit. Anal sphincteroplasty if + anatomic deficit AND symptomatic. Neurophysiologic testing for those suspected with pudendal injury.
MC’ly occurs in 2nd-4th decade of life - inflammation of apocrine glands in axillary, periareolar, perianal regions = ?. RF’s? Trmt? Complications
Hidradenitis Suppurativa (Ddx = chron’s folliculitis, and granulomatous STI). RF’s = obesity, DM, perianal antiperspirant use, androgen excess, poor hygiene, smoking. Patho = follicular hyperkeratosis w/ plugging of pore. Vulvular SCC = 5% w/ dx. Medical therapies = long-term antibiotics, antiandrogens, retinoic acid, cyclosporin. Surgery if refractory and extensive. Complications = scarring, draining sinuses, cutaneous fistulae
Common locations, presentations, and trmt of: bartholin cyst, skene duct cyst, inclusion cyst, urethral diverticulum, fibroma.
Bartholin cyst - posterior lateral vulva, MC’ly present after sexually active; MC 2/2 infections. Acutely can drain and place word catheter; recurrent cases can get marsupialization
Skene duct cyst - marsupialize in children, total excision in adults b/c accompanied by chronic inflam(remnant of urogenital sinus derivatives)
Inclusion cyst - MC cystic mass of the vagina, found in lower third of vagina; occur from birth trauma or prev pelvic surg and contain yellow/oily substance - only need to excise if painful
Urethral diverticulum - distinguished from skene duct cyst via locale - suburethral midline; occur 30-50 yo’s from congenital probs, trauma, but MC’ly infection. Diverticulectomy in proximal/middle third, marsupialization if distal
Fibroma - MC benign solid tumors of the vulva, found midline to anterior, freely mobile. If suspicious or painful, wide local excision
Complications of FC/FGM?
Recurrent vaginitis, painful menses, chronic pelvic infections, infertility, chronic UTI’s, urinary stones urinary incontinence, and dyspareunia. Problems arise from disruption of outflow tract
Risks of CEE and MPA?
Increased Risk: PE, DVT, Stroke, CAD, BC. Decreased Risk: Hip fracture, CRC
Risk of malignant cyst with no septations or solid components?
Indications for surgery for adnexal masses?
Cyst >5cm being followed more than 6-8wks / any solid ovarian lesions / papillary formations / adnexal mass >10cm / ascites / palpable mass in premenarchal or post-menopausal patients
Anatomic landmarks to avoid inferior epigastrics?
5cm superior to symphysis and 8 cm lateral to midline (vessels within 7cm of midline), past rectus. Medial to medial umbilical ligament (vessels are lateral but run risk of being too medial).
Inferior epigastric branches off ______ and anastomoses with _________ after inserting through rectus.
External iliac artery; Superior epigastric (branch of internal thoracic artery)
Ways to stop bleeding from injured inferior epigastrics?
Foley through the port site and inflated to tamponade. Passing suture around vessel.
Prophylactic meds against developing ovarian cancer? BRCA 1 vs 2 risks for ovarian cancer?
OCP’s decrease 40-50% risk vs. general population. Protection lasts 10-15yrs after stopping OCP’s (some say lifetime)
BRCA 1 = 45%, BRCA 2 = 25%
MC site of vascular injury with trochar placement? Pt’s at risk for larger vessel damage? Vasculature to wary of?
Inferior epigastrics. Thin pts and obese pts (BMI >30) at risk. Want to use sacral promontory and sacral curve as entry site/angle. Aorta, iliac artery and veins = risk! Bifurcation of aorta occurs at umbilicus or right below. Left common iliac vein at risk because lowest at midline and thin walled.
Appearance of vulvar Pagets? MC symptom?
Raised edges, appears exzematoid, red background, pale islands. Itching is MC symptom
Quintero Staging for Mo/Di Twins? Monitoring frequency?
Stage 1 - Poly/Oli (MVP >8, MVP <2) Stage 2 - Bladder of donor twin not visualized Stage 3 - Doppler abnormalities Stage 4 - Hydrops fetalis Stage 5 - Death of one fetus
Start screening every two weeks for TTTS at 16wks. TTTS occurs in 15% of MoDi Twins
Persistent fever s/p abx in post-op/partum patient w/o PE findings? Treatment?
Ovarian Vein Thrombosis / Septic Pelvis Thrombophlebitis. Therapeutic IV Heparin = trmt
Possible scenarios to consider conservative management of placenta accreta? Associated treatment course for each?
(1) Partial Accreta - wedge resection of invaded portion
(2) Extensive Accreta Involving Intraabdominal Organs - MTX to help preserve involved organs
FDA approved medication for dyspareunia?
Ospemafine = estrogen-agonist/antagonist
Positive CST Definition?
Late OR variable decels w/ 50% or more decels. Need at least 3 ctx’s in 10min period. If tachysystole occurs, requires repeat testing
Progressive treatment of uterine inversion?
- Immediate attempt at replacement
- If uterus is contracted, may need anesthesia’s help with tocolytic to then attempt replacement
- Huntington Procedure: laparotomy, clamping inside of “ring” (created by inversion) below level of cervix with subsequent traction, re-clamping, and more traction to “fish it out”
- Haultaim Procedure: laparotomy with incision in the posterior “ring” in attempt to create more space to replace uterus
Contraindications to cell saver technology use?
- Contaminants (ex: fat) - can hook up two suction machines to use separately for blood and other for contaminants
- Carbon Monoxide - a biproduct of electrocautery, can cause cell lysis and subsequent end organ damage, try to minimize use until after blood is collected
- Clotting agents - (ex: Surgicel, Avitene)
- Irrigating Solutions - can cause red cell lysis too secondary to osmotic forces
Monsel’s ingredients?
Ferrous Sulfate, Sulfuric Acid, Nitric Acid
NYHA Classes I-IV?
Class I: Heart disease without limitations on physical exercise
Class II: Can walk >2blocks, climb stairs quickly, with minimal limitation with exercise activity
Class III: Limitation with <2 blocks, often will occur with ADL
Class IV: Limitation at rest
Pathologic description of Call-Exner Body? Associated with? Most useful marker for this?
Microfollicular pattern with small cavities with eosinophillic fluid. Associated with Granulosa Cell Tumor, a germ cell tumor. Inhibin is elevated secondary to increase in estrogen. Occur at extremes of ages and MC’ly present with AUB and pelvic mass.
Pathologic description of Shiller-Duval body and associated tumor?
Central capillary with surrounding connective tissue and peripheral layer of columnar cells. Yolk sac tumor (germ cell tumor variant)
Associated tumor w/ + PAS?
Cytoplasmic glycogen is demonstrated with periodic acid-schiff stain. Associated with dysgerminomas (germ cell tumor)
Pathologic description of immature teratoma?
Immature neural tissue with rosettes and tubules (germ cell variant)
Pathologic description of choriocarcinoma?
Plexiform pattern of syncytiotrophoblasts and cytotrophoblasts
Most common female genital tract cancer? Two different subcategories?
- Type I: adenocarcinoma, secondary to increased estrogen exposure (MC)
- Type II: clear cell and papillary types
Fertilization normally occurs in what portion of the fallopian tube?
What is the name of the fertilized ovum when it enters the uterine cavity? What day typically does this occur?
Morula (12-16cells) - Post Fertilization Day 3
What day does implantation typically occur? this occurs with what specifically named fertilized ovum?
Post Fertilization Day 6-7; blastocyst (50-60 cells with central body and surrounding trophoblasts). IL’s and B-hCG is secreted to help with implantation
Three stages of blastocyst implantation into uterus?
Apposition, Adhesion, Invasion
Don’t use GnRH antagonist for more than how many months?
12 months secondary to concern for bone mineral density loss. Patients treated with these for endometriosis purposes typically experience relief within 3months of therapy. Can consider “add-back” estrogen to help decrease risk of medically-induced menopause
What time interval is a post-op fever likely benign in etiology?
1-2days post-operatively (secondary to possible blood products if received, stress and trauma of long surgeries, medications, etc). Become more concerned for abscess formation, infectious process, or vascular injury for persistent fevers lasting >2days or if it starts after post-op day 2
Side effect profile or anticholinergic therapies?
Used for urinary incontinence, anticholinergics (via anti-muscarinic control) can cause:
- anhidrosis
- dysregulation of thermal temp (over heated)
- delerium
- blurry vision
- urinary retention
Fascia has what % of original strength at post-op week 1 through 4?
Week 1: 10%
Week2: 25%
Week3: 40%
Week4: 50%
Strongest to weakest knot-pull tensile strength for sutures (nonabsorbable vs. absorbable; synthetic vs. natural)?
- Absorbable Synthetic (Polyglactin 910, Polydioxanone = PDS)
- Absorbable Natural (chromic gut)
- Nonabsorbable Synthetic (Nylon, Prolene), Natural (silk)
- Nonabsorbable Natural (cotton or linen)
MC time to experience fascial dehiscence?
POD 2-12
Difference between chromic vs. plain catgut?
Addition of chromic salts help decrease inflammatory response and thus last longer. Maintains almost half of tensile strength at day 7-10 vs. plain gut losing 70% by day 7
PDS maintains what % of tensile strength weeks 1/2/4/6 following surgery? Vs. Polyglactin 910 (Vicryl)?
PDS V.S. Vicryl
- Week1: Almost all / Almost All
- Week2: 80% / 50-60%
- Week4: 50% / None
- Week6: 25%
Maternal/Fetal indications for forceps? Need to know what things?
Maternal: exhaustion, medical contraindication to valsalva, prolonged 2nd stage
Know: fetal station, head position, membranes ruptured,, empty maternal bladder
Normal cord gasses?
pH = 7.2 +/- 0.05 pCO2 = 50 +/- 8.4 pO2 = 18 +/- 6 HCO3 = 22 +/- 2
Lichen planus - look and distribution?
Involving both oropharynx and vagina with white, reticulate lacy striae. Histology shows band-like infiltrate of lymphocytes and colloid bodies in the basal layer of the epidermis
What’s the MCC of PUD in reproductive aged female? Trmt?
H. Pylori - Need to get two different tests done when they are not taking bismuth (bisphosphonates), PPI’s, upper GI bleeding or abxs 2/2 false negatives.
Trmt = Clarithromycin/Amoxacillen x14days
When looking at the numerical “Type” categorization of fibroids, which can be removed hysteroscopically?
Type 0 (intracavitary/pedunculated) and Type 1 (<50% of fibroid in myometrium)
What’s the size cut off for macroadenomas?
> 10mm, if less, they are microadenomas
What two places does the umbilical vein shunt oxygenated blood to fetus?
50% to ductus venosus
50% hepatic-portal system
When to screen for DM?
At age 45 OR if the patient is at risk for developing DM with BMI > 25:
- inactive lifestyle
- first degree relative w/ DM
- Black/Hispanic/Asian/Native American
- Women who delivered baby >9lbs
- Women with h/o GDM, HTN
- Prior Hgb A1C > 5.7%
- h/o CV disease
Screening tests and cut-offs for DM:
1) Fasting Glucose (>125 mg/dL)
2) 2hr GTT (>200 mg/dL)
3) Random Glucose (>200 mg/dL w/ symptx)
4) HgbA1c > 6.5%
When to recommend colonoscopy for black women?
Age 45yo (vs. 50 for Caucasians)
Fasting Lipid panel recommended at what age?
Age 45 or earlier at 35yo w/ risk factors
When to recommend C/S for HSV? When to start suppression therapy?
C/S when active outbreak OR prodromal symptoms.
Start Acyclovir at 36wks GA
For Toxo: MCC? What GA is it worse to be infected? Why to be cautious with testing?
MCC = eating undercooked meat. Can also get it from consuming insect-contaminated foods, handling cat litter that contains oocysts from infected cats.
Worse to be infected earlier in pregnanct. Risk of becoming infected increases w/ GA.
Risk of neonatal transmission if placenta has parasitemia = 20-50%
Most infants with congenital Toxo are asymptomatic at birth but 90% will have hearing/visual damage in childhood.
Risk of 2nd twin death after one loss in monochorionic pregnancy? Dichorionic? When to deliver 2nd twin?
1) Monochorionic
- Risk of 2nd fetus dying = 15%
- Risk of neurologic injury = 18%
2) Dichorionic
- Risk of 2nd fetus dying = 1%
- Risk of neurologic injury = 3%
Delivery has not decreased risk to 2nd twin UNLESS GA is >34wks or the surviving twin shows distress
Most likely finding of a focal thickening on TVUS = ?
Endometrial Polyp
- 86% benign, 13% hyperplastic, 3% malignant
- well defined uniformly hyperechoic mass that’s <2cm = MC US findings of polyp
Factors decreasing chance of successful TOLAC?
Recurrent indication for C/S (CPD), increased maternal age, Hispanic/AA women, GA >40wks, maternal obesity, pre-E, short-interval pregnancy, increasing neonatal weight
Symptoms of femoral nerve injury?
Inability to flex at hip, weak quadriceps, unable to flex knee
Symptoms of iliohypogastric nerve injury?
Paresthesia of labia, suprapubic region, or around pfannensteil incision. Nerve is 2cm medial and 1cm inferior to ASIS
Symptoms of obturator nerve injury?
Weakness in adduction of leg, paresthesia of inner thigh
MCC mastitis?
Staph Aureus and Viridens. Abx of choice = Dicloxicillin
How do ACEi and Dopamine blockers increase risk of urinary incontinence?
ACEi’s have increased risk for coughing. Dopamine blockade can cause relaxation of internal sphincter w/ unopposed detrusor muscle contraction = risk of incontinence
ACEi are particularly helpful for anti-HTN in non-pregnant patient with h/o?
H/o MI, HF, diabetes (because renal protective). African American ethnicity
Symptoms of and pt population at risk for pelvic congestion syndrome?
Diagnosis of exclusion and pt must have pelvic pain for 6mo’s w/o otherwise identified etiology. Pt’s can have chronic pelvic pain, post-coital ache, and abdominal pain. Sometimes imaging will show congested pelvic vasculature but is not diagnostic.
What imaging study gives the highest radiation exposure to a fetus?
CT - threshold for ealry danger is 50mGy and CT is 20 - 40 mGy
Which aneuploidy is associated with these findings: (separate, not all in one syndrome) club foot, diaphragmatic hernia, omphalocele, and non-immune hydrops?
All associated with aneuploidy involving chromosomes 13, 18, 21 EXCEPT club foot (not associated w/ chromosome 21).
Gastroschesis is NOT associated with aneuploidy. Thought to be secondary to problem with involution of right hepatic vein.
U/S findings diagnostic of early preg loss?
- CRL > 7mm without heartbeat
- MSD > 25mm and no embryo
- If previous yolk sac present, 11 days without embryo and FCA
- If NO previous yolk sac present, 14 days without embryo and FCA
Contraindications to UAE? Who is good candidate for this?
Patient’s who desire definitive treatment (ie: fibroids) and are poor surgical candidates. Hypogastric artery is identified and alcohol beads released
Contraindications = allergy to contrast medium, pregnancy, active pelvic infection, AVM’s
MC stage endometrial cancer found? Staging?
Stage IB
Staging: IA - involves < 50% myometrium IB - involves > 50% myometrium II - involves cervical stroma IIIA - Involves serosa of uterus, tubes or ovaries IIIB - involves vagina IIIC - LN's other than periaortics IV - involves bladder, rectum, or more distant mets
Need to do what prior to performing cruciate incision with imperforate hymen?
Ultrasound - a transverse vaginal septum could present in similar way and thats best treated with resection vs. incision
Symptx of PCOS? Pathophys? Trmt?
Hyperandrogenism = hirsutism, acne, oligo/ammenorhea, elevated glucose. Ovaries with >12 cysts measuring 2-9mm in diameter
Increased LH leads to hyperandrogenism and increased insulin resistance
SERM needed to increase FSH production by pituitary gland. Clomiphene citrate inhibits feedback inhibition at both pituitary (increasing FSH) and hypothalamus (increasing GnRH), thus promoting ovulation
Tool used to dx PMS? Criteria? Trmt?
COPE Tool:
- 1 or > affective symptx (depression, anger, irritability, confusion, social withdrawal, or fatigue)
- 1 or > somatic symptx ( breast tenderness, abd bloating, HA or swollen limbs)
- occurs 5days prior to menses and should cease 4days after menses and NOT occur before cycle D12
What does each of these cardinal movement allow: engagement, flexion, extension, internal rotation, external rotation
1) Engagement - allows BPD to pass into pelvic inlet
2) Flexion - allows fetal chin to be brought into intime contact with fetal thorax
3) Extension -allows fetal occiput to come into direct contact with inferior margin of PS
4) Internal rotation - allows rotation that allows the fetal occiput to move towards the PS
5) External Rotation - allows bisacromial diameter (outermost border of shoulders) into relation with AP diameter of the pelvic outlet
Treatment for Lichen Planus?
Local corticosteroids (ex: Clobetasol) -> systemic corticosteroids -> MTX vs. Cyclosporin
Surgery is only used for correction of post-inflammatory sequeala of Lichen Planus; never primary treatment
What are cell-saver mixed solutions that would be a contra-indication for its use?
Sterile water, hypotonic solutions, toxic substances if delivered intravascularly (antibiotic irrigation, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, or iodine solns, hemostatic or coagulating substances)
Single, enlarging breast mass in 40yo, palpated as firm, circumscribed, and mobile and often visibly stretching overlying skin = dx? Trmt?
Phyllodes Tumor - local excision with greater than 1cm surrounding to prevent recurrence. FNC and core needle bx not useful.
5% risk of aggressive behavior
How long to keep monitoring CIN 2 or > after first negative screening?
Screening with cytology q3yrs for 20yrs after first negative cytology or 20yrs after sx
Gestational thrombocytopenia presents when and should resolve when?
Presents 2nd to 3rd trimester
Resolves 1-2mo’s following delivery
MCC of severe thrombocytopenia among newborns?
Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia - it’s 2/2 maternal alloimmunization of father’s platelet antigens - maternal PLT count is normal; UNLIKE Rh-D alloimmunization, the first pregnancy is at risk
Bleeding issues in first years of life, macrothrombocytopenia, eczema, recurrent bacterial/viral infxns = dx?
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
Benefits of DCC?
Decreased incidence of Fe-def anemia and ICH, more immunoglobulins - benefits only proven in preterm GA
Beta Thal electrophoresis shows increased levels of ?? and decreased levels of ??
Increased Hgb F (two alpha chains and two gamma chains). B-thal gene mutation causes deficient B-chain production leading to absence of Hgb A (2alpha, 2 beta) …and decreased levels of Hgb A2 (2alpha, 2 delta chains) but to a lesser extent.
Hgb F increases the most to compensate!
Origin of the following arteries: ovarian, renal, uterine
- Ovarian from abdominal aorta
- Renal from aorta below level of SMA
- Uterine from anterior branch of internal iliac
- external iliac becomes femoral a. once it passes Poupart’s ligament
MC day of post-op infxn presentation for SSI?
At-risk time for BSO for ureteral injury? What type of repair?
When taking the IP ligament.
Tension free repair ovar a stent. Mobilize distal ureter for more length. Spatulate both prox/distal end of bisection - interrupted sutures to finish repair over stent.
Type of ureteral repair for different places of damage?
Upper third ureter = ureteroureterostomy
Distal third ureter = ureteroneocystostomy w/ psoas hitch
If ureter is suture ligated, you’d de-ligate it over a stent
Nephrostomy tube if urteral repair can’t be achieved
Boari flap is only employed if extensive urteral injury occurs (NOT first line)
Name clinical, genetic, and histologic differences among molar pregnancies
Partial - triploid karyotype 69 (XXX, XXY), focal trophoblastic proliferation and villous edema comparatively, contain some fetal parts, amnion and placental tissue. Beta’s are typically not exceeding 100,000. Stain positive for p57Kip2 immunostaining.
Complete - diffuse villous edema, diffue trophoblastic hyperplasia, no fetal tissue, 46 XX or 46 XY karyotype, 5-10% malignancy
First line tocolytics include?
Beta-adrenergic receptor agonists, CCB’s and or NSAIDS
Peripheral arthropathy, reticular rash on the trunk, aplastic anemia of mother = dx?
Parvovirus B19 = erythema infectiosum
Women are only infectious 5-10 days after exposure, which is also before the rash presents, therefore NOT infectious once rash is seen
HPV vaccination doses < 15yo needed doses?
Only need 2doses if vaccinated before age 15.
If after 15yo, need to give at 0 months, 1-2 months, 6 months
Paget’s of breast associated with? Proceed with?
Paget’s of the breast a/w DCIS in 85% of cases. Need to get full-thickness biopsy of the affected lesion with additional imaging to r/o other invasive carcinomas
Natural VTE RF’s in pregnancy caused by? MCC mutation causing VTE in pregnancy
Normal Physiology = decreased anticoagulant activity, decreased fibrinolysis, and increased venous stasis in lower extremities from uterine compression of great vessels
Heterozygous Factor V Leiden
When to use ductus venosus evaluation of fetus?
Concerns for fetal cardiac compromise
MCA doppler peak systolic velocity abnormalities helps assess for fetuses with suspected?
Fetal Anemia. PSV > 1.5 MoM has 75% sensitivity in predicting severe anemia in 2nd 3rd trimester until 34-35wks given higher false positives
Congenital absence of vagina with variable uterine development = dx?
Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome
Difference b/w septate uterus and bicornuate uterus?
Septated uterus has normal external surface and 2 endometrial cavities. Bicornuate uterus has fundal depression >1cm with 2 endometrial cavities
DIC criteria = ?
Elevated PT/PTT/INR , decreased fibrinogen, elevated D-dimer (unreliable in preg), thrombocytopenia
Name 4 patient related and 3 operative related RF’s for post-op surgical complications
Patient related = age greater than 60, obesity w/ BMI >30, 20yr smoking hx (can prevent by quitting 6-8wks prior to sx), COPD
Sx Related = large abdominal incision approaching diaphragm, operating > 3hrs, emergency sx
Max GA for which Miso can be used with h/o C/S and new fetal demise?
GA = 28wks
Common Autosomal Dominant genetics syndromes = ?
Marfan’s, NF Type 1, Noonan, Tuberous Sclerosis
PKU inheritance = ?
Autosomal Recessive
Lymphatic spread of:
1) Vaginal Ca.
2) Cervical Ca.
3) Endometrial Ca.
1) Upper third goes to ovarian LN’s and Para-Aortics; lower third goes to Inguinal and Femoral LN’s; middle third goes to both
2) Parametrial to pevic LN’s
3) Paracervical, paramedian and pelvic LN’s, ovarian LN’s to para-aortics
Primary Dysmenorrhea Treatment considerations?
First-line = NSAIDs (Ibuprofen or Naproxen) on first day of menses - can switch to mefenamic acid
2nd Line = COC (or first line if need BCM too) ; Progestin-only (injectable, implanon, or IUD)
Heat = Ibuprofen»_space; Tylenol
Laparoscopy only for severe cases that’re refractory
First Year failure rates for:
1) Nexplanon
2) Mirena IUD
3) Paragard IUD
1) 0.05%
2) 0.2%
3) 0.8%
Theca lutein cysts are responsive to prolonged elevations in what two hormones? Can be a/w what other dx’s?
LH and BhCG
Hydatiform mole (25% develop them), multifetal gestation, placentomegaly, ovarian hyperstimulation
Fetal growth restriction, hydrops fetalis, and myocarditis = concern for?
CMV - sequelae are worse when transmission is first tri. Avidity testing for IgG is low with infection 2-4 month’s old vs. high with older infection
Frankenhauser plexus refers to?
Plexus lateral to uterosacrals with rich supply of nerves - paracervical block at 4 and 8 o’clock, site of uterosacral insertion on uterus help achieve blockade. If used with epinephrine, causes vasoconstriction and causes local vasoconstriction
MC aneuploidy a/w AMA?
Autosomal Trisomy - a/w age > 35yo at time of delivery
vWD inheritance?
Can be dominant or recessive, fetus can have up to 50% risk of affected. Estrogen levels increase in preg and thus, once postpartum, have higher risk of delayed PPH
Multidose regimen of MTX? Gets Betas on what days? Leucovorin dose and timing?
MTX 1mg/kg on D1, 3, 5, and 7 - these are same days for Betas. Leucovorin 0.1mg/kg of body weight = dosing. Given on D2,4,6,8
Competitively inhibits the binding of dihydrofolic acid to the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase resulting in lower levels of purines and thymidylate and an arrest of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis
Gonorrhea Trmt?
Ceftriaxone and Azithromycin (Chlamydia presumptive trmt)
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome - most sensitive imaging modality?
MCC of UTI in preg…followed by?
E. Coli, Klebsiella PNA, Proteus -> GBS, Enterococci, Staph