C.R.E.D. test Flashcards
What organs make up the circulatory system?
heart, a series of blood vessels, blood
superior vena cava
large vein that brings oxygen-poor blood from the upper part of the body to the right atrium
pulmonary veins
bring oxygen-rich blood from each of the lungs to the left atrium
pulmonary valve
prevents blood from flowing back into the right ventricle after it has entered the pulmonary artery
tricuspid valve
prevents blood from flowing back into the right atrium after it has entered the right ventricle
inferior vena cava
vein that brings oxygen-poor blood from the lower part of the body to the left atrium
brings oxygen -rich blood from the left ventricle to the body
pulmonary arteries
bring oxygen-poor blood to the right or left lung
aortic valve
prevents blood from flowing back into the left ventricle after it has entered the aorta
mitral valve
prevents blood from flowing back into the left atrium after it has entered the left ventricle
thick layer of muscle that pumps blood
the upper chamber that recieves blood
the lower chamber that pumps blood out of the heart
pulmonary circuation
right side; the pathway from the heart to the lungs
systemic circulation
from the left side of the heart to the rest of the body
flaps of connective tissue between the atria and the ventricles
cells that start the wave of muscle contractions
large blood vessel; first of a series of blood vessels that carry blood through the body and back to the heart
what are the three types of blood vessels?
arteries, capillaries, and veins
large vessels that carry blood from the heart to the tissues of the body; except for pulmonary arteries, all arteries carry oxygen rich blood
smallest of the blood vessels; the bring nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and absorbing carbon dioxide and other waste products from them
blood vessels that bring blood back to the heart once it has gone through the capillary system
condition in which fatty deposits called plaque build up on the inner walls of arteries
straw colored fluid
iron-contianing protein that binds to oxygen in the lungs and transports it to tissues throughout the body where the oxygen is rleased