Creation Flashcards
What is creation?
The act through which God made the universe. The story of creation is told in genesis.
What does Michelangelo’s creation of Adam show?
- Adam isn’t fully alive and is waiting for God to touch him and bring him to life
- Reflects the teaching that everything God made is good.
- God and Adam looks very powerful and muscular
Give another form of Christian art which depicts creation.
In the early 20th century, the American artist Hildreth Meiére created a number of mosaics for St Bartholomew’s Church in New York,USA. One of them shows the hand of God in the act of creation.
Compare both Michelangelo’s and Meiere’s ‘creation of Adam’.
- Both shows God as creator
- Both show God is powerful and eternal.
- In Michelangelo’s painting God is shown as an old man but God should be eternal.
- In Meiere’s only God’s hand is shown so more Christians think it is a more acceptable of showing God.
Is everything in the bible real scientifically?
No, its not suppose to be a scientific account of creation. However it teaches important truths about God’s nature and his role in creation.
What does Genesis 1 teach about the nature of God?
- God is the only creator, who has created everything.
- All creation is special so must be cared for
- Humans share qualities with God.
Humans are given the gift of free will.
- It describes how God made the Garden of Eden
- God tells Adam he may eat from any tree except from the tree of knowledge
- He gives Adam a choice to do the right thing.
What is stewardship
Power and authority to rule over all other creatures and to look after the world with care and love
The dignity of being humans
All humans are equal
What are the 4 main sections of the old testament?
What are the main 4 sections in the new testament?
The Gospels
The Acts of the Apostles
The Epistles
The book of Revelation
How is the Bible the word of God?
God guided the writing of the Bible through the Holy Spirit
Interpreting the Bible today through the Magisterium
Catholics guided in their interpretation of the Bible by Magisterium
Magisterium is continually inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit
Catholic interpretations of the Genesis creation stories
The Catholic church teaches these creations are myths. They should not be taken seriously.
Fundamentalist interpretations of the Creation stories
Fundamentalists are christians who interpret the Bible more literally and that they believe God created the universe in 6 days.
What is natural law?
Humans being born with the understanding of what is write and wrong.
God made creation good so humans must protect it.
Catholic Church and science
Between 1962 and 1965, the pope and bishops held meetings to update catholic teachings. This is known as the second Vatican Council. They said that Religion and Science support each other e.g George Lemaitre first proposed the Big Ban Theory
Why do Catholics believe they shared care for the environment?
- All creation is special because it was made by God.
- God made humans stewards of the Earth
- Jesus taught Christians to ‘love your neighbour as you love yourself’. The word neighbour includes all people they share the world with.
Catholic teachings on caring for the environment.
Catholics should preserve the environment for future generations as their actions now may affect the world in the centuries to come.
Ways Catholics can care for the environment
- At a local level e.g recycle more and use public transport
- At a national level e.g put pressure on politicians to support environmental laws and put pressure on companies to follow environmentally friendly policies.
- At a global level e.g put pressure on governments to implement international meetings and boycott/expose companies that threaten the environment.
How sustainability links to Catholic belief
Use products that use natural resources at a rate they can be replaced.
Catholics believe that promoting sustainable living helps to respect the goodness of all of God’s creation.
CAFOD’s work on sustainability
Aims to help those in poverty and create a more balanced (sustainable) world. They support environmental projects.
Imago Dei and Abortion
Imago Dei- The Christian belief that humans are made in the image of God.
All human life is holy (Sanctity of Life).
Catholics believe that life starts at conception so all human life should be protected - even the unborn. Therefore Catholics disagree with abortion.