Creation Flashcards
Creation of Adam, painter
Painted by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel.
The story of creation is told, provides the foundation for christian beliefs about creation.
Creation of Adam beliefs in the following ways;
Adam is not yet fully alive, he is waiting for God’s touch to bring him to life.
Shows that humanity is dependent on God
Adam is shown as the perfect man, full of strength and potential
Reflects the teaching that God made everything “very good”
God is shown bringing a human to life rather than any other species
Reflects the teaching that humans are unique, as they are specially created by God.
God and Adam are reaching out their hands to eachother
Reflects the idea that there is a longing for a close relationship between God and humanity
God being transcendent
God is being carried by angels, showing life beyond and outside the universe
Creation of Adam not reflecting Catholic beliefs
Gensis 2:7 says that God brought Adam to life by breathing into his nostrils, rather than touching
In the painting God and Adam are nearly the same size, suggesting the humans and God are equal. Implying that God isn’t omnipotent
Meire Mosaics
American artist Hildreth Meiere, shows the hand of God in the act of creation.
Meire Mosaics, catholic beliefs
Lines extend from Gods hand to the edge of the circle
Reflects the idea that God created everything in the universe.
God’s hand is large compared to the size of the cloud above it
Helps to show God’s greatness and power
Creation in genesis 1
Tells how God created the universe over 6 days, using his power to bring things into being
Teachings in Genesis 1, God is the only creator
God is the only creator, who created everything, only worshipping one God
God is omnipotent, Genesis 1
“God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good”- God has the power to do whatever he wants and the way he wants it
God is transcendent, Genesis 1
“Then God said ‘let there be light’ and there was light”- God only needs his word in order to create, God is beyond human understanding
Creation and the nature of humans, Genesis 2
“then the lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and the man became a living being”
Explains how God made humans in his image
God created Adam, the first man, by breathing into him
The Hebrew word for breath is ‘ru’ach’ which is also translated as spirit.
Humans are given the gift of free will, Genesis 2
Describes how God made the garden of eden for Adam to live in
Old Testament
Tells god’s relationship with the jews during the years before Jesus was born
The New Testament
Written by followers of Jesus in the century after his death- tells of his life and teachings
Old testament books
Law, History, Wisdom and Prophecy
The New Testament books
The gospels, the acts of the apostles, The epistles, and the book of revelation
Law section in the bible
Telling how Jews became the people of God, contain the guidelines that God wanted the jews to follow
History section
How god guided the jews and how the often refused to listen
Mixture of prayers, psalms, poems and books of advice- help people to understand their faith
Books of the prophets whose inspired words challenged the people to remain faithful to God
The gospels
Cover the actions and teachings of Jesus
The acts of the apostles
Tell of some of the events in the early church
The epistles
Letters that were written by the apostles and discuss how to follow Jesus’ teachings in everyday life
The book of revelation
Written by the apostle John, Includes his own mystical visions, which some christians describe as the end of the world
Bible is the word of God
Reveals God to humans and teaches them about God and what he wants for humanity
Examples of how the bible is the word
God guided the writing of the bible through the hoy spirit
The bile contains the book of prophets
The bible tells of the actions and teaching of Jesus in the gospels
The bible contains the writings of the apostles in the epistles
Natural law
States that Catholics should do good and avoid evil