Creation Flashcards
Name the three different heavens referred to in the Bible.
- Atmosphere
- Universe
- Spiritual heaven - where the heavenly hosts live
Where angels created? If so, when?
Yes, sometime during the creation week.
What defines a day?
One complete rotation of the earth on its axis.
How could the first three days of creation be literal days if the sun was not created until day 4?
God created light on day 1, but it wasn’t the sun’s light.
The rotation of the earth is what defines a day, not the sun.
Are plants “alive” in the biblical sense?
No, they do not have the breath of life like animals do.
What defines a year?
One complete revolution of the earth around the sun.
What defines a month?
One complete revolution of the moon around the earth.
Did Adam name all the creatures?
What animals did Adam name?
Livestock, birds of the air, beasts of the field
How long did God take to create everything?
6 days
On the third day, what did God do to the water?
He gathered the water to one place.
On which day did God make plants?
Day 3
On which day did God make birds?
Day 5
On which day did God make “creeping creatures”?
Day 6
What did God say when he was finished with His creation?
It was “Very Good”.
What does Genesis 1:1 say God made in the beginning?
The heavens and the earth.
What did God make on day 4?
The sun, moon and stars.
What difference was there between man’s food and animals’ food?
Man was given every seed bearing plant and tree that has fruit with seed.
Animals were given every green plant.
How did God form Adam?
From the dust of the ground.
How was the ground watered?
From streams that came up from the earth.
Where did God put Adam?
In the Garden of Eden.
What two trees stood in the middle of the Garden?
Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
What were the names of the four headwaters at Eden?
Tigris, Euphrates, Pishon, Gihon
What was Adam’s responsibility?
To take care of the garden.
From what tree was Adam NOT allowed to eat?
The tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
What did Adam not find among the creatures God brought to him?
A suitable helper
From what did God make Eve?
A rib of Adam
God took a rib from Adam to make Eve. Give two reasons why men do not have one less rib than women today.
- Ribs can regenerated themselves.
- Losing a body part is not passed on to the next generation.
Why was Eve called “women”?
She was taken from man.
What are the 7 Days of Creation?
Day 1 - Heavens, earth, space, time, light
Day 2 - Atmosphere
Day 3 - Dry land and plants
Day 4 - Sun, moon and stars
Day 5 - Flying and sea creatures
Day 6 - Land animals and man
Day 7 - God rested