Creation Flashcards
What is stewardship?
The belief that Christians have a responsibility to look after God’s creation.
What is sustainability?
Using natrual resources at a rate which they can be replaced.
What encyclical of Pope Francis links to the environment?
Laudato Si
What 2 artworks shows the creation of God?
Creation of Adam by Michael Angelo
Merie’s Mosaic
“Let there be light”
Genesis 1:3
“So God created humankind in his image ; in the image of God he created them.”
Genesis 1:27
What did God give to humanity?
(Adam and Eve)
Free will
What 4 words describes God?
What scientific theory can go against God’s creation?
Big Bang Theory
Evolution Theory
Sanctity of Life
That Life is sacred (holy) and cannot be destroyed.
What Catholic Charity helps the environment?
What are the 17 GOALS to transform the world?
1-No Poverty
2-Zero Hunger
3-Good Health and Well-being
4-Quality Education
5-Gender Equality
6-Clean Water and Sanitation
7-Affordable and Clean Energy
8-Decent Work and Economic Growth
9-Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10-Reduced Inequalities
11-Sustainable Cities and Communities
12-Responsible Consumption and Production
13-Climate Action
14-Life Below Water
15-Life on Land
16-Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17-Partnerships for the Goals
How many days did God created creation?
6 days(rested on 7th)
What did God create on each day?
Day 1-Night and Day
Day 2- The Sky
Day 3- Earth, Seas and Plant Life
Day 4- Sun, Moon and Stars
Day 5-Fish and Birds
Day 6-All animals and Humans
Day 7-Rested
What did God create on Day 1?
Night and Day