Creation Flashcards
What is the Creation of Adam?
A painting by Michelangelo that shows God bringing Adam to life..
What Christian beliefs do the Creation of Adam reflect?
A number of important beliefs about God’s nature and his role as the creator of humanity.
What does Hildreth Meiere’s mosaic in New York’s St.Bartholomew’s Church show?
The hand of God in the act of creation.
What do the mosaic and Creation of Adam both show?
That God is the creator and powerful and eternal.
What is the difference of focus in the mosaic and Creation of Adam?
Creation of Adam focuses in on the creation of humanity, the mosaic converys a sense that God is always creating everything.
What does the creation story in Genesis 1 show?
Thats God is the creator of everything and that he created man in his own image.
What is meant by God being transcendent?
Beyond and outside life on earth and the universe, as he is able to create solely through the power of his own word.
What is meant by God being omnipotent?
All-powerful, as he is able to create anything he wants.
What does Genesis 2 show?
That humans share the Spirit of God
What did God give humans in Genesis 2?
Free will, the ability to make decisions and think for themselves.
What do the Genesis stories teach Christians about stewardship?
God expects them to look after the world and take care of it on his behalf.
What do the Genesis stories teach Christians about dignity?
Humans are worthy of honour and respect and that the sanctity of life is important life is holy and sacred.
What is the Bible?
The sacred book of Christianity. It contains different types of writing (literacy forms) such as historical accounts, poems and letters, which were written for different audiences and purposes.
What is the first part of the Bible?
The Old Testament. It tells of God’s relationship with the Jews during the years before Jesus was born.
What is the second part of the Bible?
The Old Testament, written by followers of Jesus in the century after his death. It tells of his life and teachings.
What is meant by the Bible as the word of God?
It reveals God to humans and teaches them about God and what he wants for humanity.
What were the writers of the Bible inspired by?
The Holy Spirit, who is the Third person of the Trinity
How should the Bible be interpreted?
Through the teachings of the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Catholic Church).
What does the Catholic Church teaches about interpretation of the Genesis stories?
They shouldn’t be interpreted literally. This means that Catholics can accept scientific explanation for how the universe was created.
What do Fundamentalist Christians believe?
The Genesis creation stories should be interpreted literally, and that the universe was created in six days.
What does Natural law refer to?
The moral principles and values (or ‘laws) that are thought to be inherent to all humans.
What does Natural Law state?
That Catholics should do good and avoid evil. They should also respect the sanctity of life.
What does the Catholic Church teach about science and religion?
They need to support each other and work with each other.
Why should Christians care for the environemnt?
Because the whole of creation is God’s gift, and therefore holy because it comed from God.
How do Christians show their love of God in terms of others?
By treating other people, animals and the environment with love and respect.
What did Jesus teach Christians about their neighbours?
To ‘love your neighbour as yourself’. For Christians, this means caring for the environment in which their neighbour lives.
What is the idea of stewardship?
The idea that Christians have a duty to look after the environment on God’s behalf.
What are the levels that Catholics can help to protect the environment at?
Local, national and global
What ways might Catholics help to protect the environment?
Living in a way that has less impact on the environment, educating others about how to care for the environment, and campaigning against policies or laws that damage the environment.
What is sustainability?
Living in a way that respects the environment and its natural resources in order to keep everything in balance and harmony.
What does living sustainably mean for Catholics?
Respecting God’s creation and elping tgem to be stewards of the earth.
What is CAFOD?
A Catholic charity that supports sustainability, mainly through helping those in poverty to improve the quality of their lives in a sustainable way.