CRE Self Image Flashcards


I am a highly sought after buyer

  1. I close in as little as 7-14 days when others take… 90 AT BEST and on average 120 days and that’s “if” they can even get their loan cleared.
  2. I close with speed in a market that has most buyer scared and sitting on the sideline because all economists are expecting the largest commercial real estate crash in history. (Bigger than 08) Banks, investors, operators all getting hit by the credit crunch with interest rates at all time highs.
  3. I get sellers they’re price and am willing to pay a little bit above market value in exchange for my terms in a market where sellers are having to exit and 15-20% below market value for their property. I can give them cash upfront they just need to carry but in some cases they can get all cash if we negotiate the right price.
  4. You have “liquidity” (quick access to spendable cash) while the majority of the market is tight and illiquid and cannot borrow because of extreme lending conditions (incensed their interest rates + tightened up their requirements to QUALIFY) due to the current market conditions.
  5. I can extend the seller a first position on the mortgage via the refinance deal, make him the payments and if I miss one he can take the property plus all the money I put into it… and he doesn’t have to worry about being stuck with a large loan because it’s “non-recourse”
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I have 100’s of millions in cash to invest into the market with ease.


You have access to infinite money from private investors all based on the financials of the deal. No limit. Money no object.

And I use it wisely by spreading my capital across multiple properties getting more use out of it as a whole…

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I have an abundance of deal opportunities


It’s literally the best time in human history to sweep up commercial real estate with the highest amount of below market inventory about to go on sale over the next 2 years.

  1. Local, Regional, and Large banks are all on the verge failing and they have no reserves to back up the deposits they lent out via their fractional reserve practices most of it was either lent out or put into government treasury bonds which are in terrible condition. 40% of their assets are allocated to Commercial Real Estate loans. The only ones getting bailed out are the top 5 biggest banks in America (Chase, Wells Fargo, BOA, Citi, GoldmanSacs) no one else… so this instant puts these banks in a position of needing to sell off all of their assets in order to recoup whatever capital they can to pay off their debts in the midst of 2.9 Trillion dollars of commercial real estate loans coming due over the next 2 years (their loans). All these property’s will be going up for sale or looking for someone to save them in a market where there are no buyers to pick them up other than the ones who are liquid like me… 💰
  2. I have access to data on every single parcel of commercial real estate in America: owner contact info, past sales data, and even loan data on what type of mortgage they have and when it will mature!
  3. I’m able to buy any type of property no matter what the price is which makes virtually the whole market open and available to me no matter what state or type of commercial property it is… we’re just starting with apartments to build the foundation.
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I am someone who assumes the close on his terms and does so with ease.


🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪Because I KNOW that it is energetic law that I can only attract the proper cooperative components… (sellers+market conditions+timing)

The moment I decide and line up with it it’s done. 👌

  1. I know the game + the process/strategies
  2. I have access to an infinite amount of capital and a strategy that allows me to get sellers 100% LTV in many cases
  3. Cash buying in the middle of a drought… all of the above

When I’ve practiced the energy of what I know… to the point of immense momentum of knowing and clarity of my desire and my value… 🎖

When that is the vibration that is dominant… someone who doesn’t get it cannot call you, no one will be calling you with a bunch of questions.

The only way that it could ever happen is if you felt guilty about “not pleasing them”… but see you KNOW much better than that because you KNOW that the majority of sellers are overpriced and YOU are actually doing THEM a favor by paying them the price they want and for that price they’re goin to have to do it on your terms (generally).

You will attract the perfect sellers through the clarity of your desire and knowledge of the game and knowing that you’re doing them a favor by giving them the money that you’re giving them in a market like this.

True dominance is dominating vibrationally.. when you’re emanating this confident clarity, THEY WILL KNOW IT FROM YOUR KNOWING IT… (ex. Zach from CREXI) Own your alignment… When you own your alignment, everyone who interacts with you “gets it”… 🎖

THIS STATE BESTOWS YOU WITH PERFECT TIMING… the law of attraction will deliver them TO YOU when they “do get it” and will not when they “don’t get it”… 🎖

Teach with your mind, teach with your vibration, teach with your own knowing.

I embody, and emit the KNOWING and attitude that:

“What I have is so good and will enhance your experience so much that I know that when the timing is right for you I know that we’ll make contact and mean while, I wish you well on whatever it is you’ve got going on…” (this is the energy)

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I know when to hang up


If you’re clear and are in alignment with your desire and have mastered the information but have encountered a disagreeable individual… tell them your offer and then tell them to call back when they’re ready to make some money and hang up.

Because playing the “outside of the vortex game” where “brute force” and “good debate” is the only way things happen then you can know you’re not wielding the power of the universe.

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I always attract cooperative sellers


I always attract cooperative sellers because I know the material and my value and my desires and have practiced that knowing long enough consistently to KNOW I can only attract cooperative components to that KNOWING and only engage and rendezvous when I’m in my vortex.

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Planting the seeds is the most fun part about this whole journey…


I have nothing but time and abundance available to be prosperous forever more. I value the feeling of alignment and being on my path more than it’s physical manifestation. I love the next logical steps, I love the process, I love the lifestyle I live now and I am eager for the more THAT’S ALREADY DONE AND ON IT’S WAY.

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The “condition” of “when” I close is of no concern to me. Planting the seeds is the fun of the game.


I have an abundance of target leads so it’s only a matter of time…

Statistically out of every 20 qualified creative deal structure leads you should close at least 1 deal (on average). Right now you have over 4 times the quantity of leads to close one deal so at a minimum you’re most likely closing 4 or more by shear numbers.

This isn’t my only means of income.

This isn’t the only thing that’s fun for me to do.

I enjoy the “process” of building the foundation and the infrastructure “properly”. (The feeling of moving in the direction of my vortex)

I love the feeling KNOWING it is already done because I decided it is what I want and knowing that I don’t need to “make it happen” but to take the next logical steps towards its inevitable occurrence.

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