CRC Flashcards
Most common colorectal cancer
95% adenocarcinoma
2/3 colon
1/3 rectal
How many cases of CRC are sporadic?
10% familial risk
1% underlying IBD
Risk factors
Age Male 3:2 Female Previous adenoma/CRC Smoking Obesity Diabetes mellitus Diet - decreased fibre, fruit and veg, calcium, increased red meat and alcohol Streptococcus bovis bacteraemia IBD - ulcerative colitis > crohns Congenital Genetic
Predisposing inheritable factors for CRC
HNPCC (Lynch syndrome)
Which structures give rise to majority of CRCs?
Colorectal polyps
100s-1000s by FAP
Classification of colorectal polyps
Benign or malignant
Epithelial or mesenchymal
Define an adenoma
Benign, pre-malignant growth of epithelial origin
3 types of adenoma and rate of occurence
Tubular 75%
Tubuovillous (15%)
Villous 10%
Pedunculated or sessile - stalk or no stalk
What characterises a high risk adenoma
Degree of dysplasia
Villous architecture
An adenoma can progress to …
An invasive carcinoma
Describe the evolution of an adenoma to an invasive carcinoma
Activation of oncogene - kras, c-myc
Loss of tumour suppressor gene - APC, p53, DCC
Defective DNA Repair Pathway genes - microsatellite instability
3 processes in malignancy
Cell growth
Oncogenes involved in CRC
K ras, c-myc
TSG lost in CRC
APC, p53, DCC
6 Aspects of Presentation
- Rectal bleeding (faecal occult blood)
- Altered bowel opening to loose stools for more than weeks
- Iron deficiency Anaemia
- Palpable rectal or Right lower abdominal mass
- Acute colonic obstruction (stenotic tumour)
- Systemic symptoms - weight loss, fatigue, anorexia
Investigation of CRC
Screening- faecal occult blood test Bloods - FBC for anaemia, CEA Colonoscopy Barium enema - apple core sign CT colonography CT abdo/pelvis
Staging investigations
CT chest/abdo/pelvis
MRI for rectal tumours
PET/rectal endoscopic US
Staging systems
TNM Dukes A-confined to muscularis mucosa B- extended beyond muscularis mucosa C- lymph nodes D- distant metastases
- Duke A and polyps - Endoscopic/ local resection
- Laparotomy
- Colostomy
- Hepatectomy for metastases
Conservative - macmillan nurse and patient education
- Dukes C and B, postive lymph node
- Agents - oxaliplatin, 5- FU (fluorouracil)
Radiotherapy - rectal cancer only
Chemo, colonic stenting to prevent obstruction
Purpose of screening
Detect pre-malignancies
Modalities of screening
Faecal Occult Blood Test Faecal immunochemical test (FIT) Flexible sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy CT colonography