Craniofacial Muscles Flashcards
A: From alveolar process of maxilla & mandible, pterygoid hamulus & pterygomandibular raphe to buccal angle
Fx: compresses cheek
Depressor anguli oris
A: From mandible to buccal angle
Fx: depresses buccal angle laterally
Depressor labii inferioris
A: From lower oblique line of mandible to skin & mucosa of lower lip
Fx: Draws lower lib downward
A: From superficial fascia of eyebrows to epicranial aponeurosis
Fx: Protracts the scalp or elevates eyebrows & nose
Levator anguli oris
A: From canine fossa of maxilla to angle of mouth
Fx: Raises mouth
Levator Labii Superioris
A: From infraorbital orbital margin to lateral aspect of upper lip
Fx: raises & everts upper lip
A: From incisive fossa of mandible ot skin of chin
Fx: raises lower lip
A: From maxilla lateral & inferior to nasal notch to bridge & ala of nose
Fx: transverse fibers compress & alar fibers widen the nasal aperture
Orbicularis Oculi
A: From orbital margin & medial palpebral lig. to superficial fascia of the eyelid
Fx: Palpebral sphincter
Orbicularis Oris
A: From angle of mouth to superficial fascia of upper lip
Fx: Oral sphincter
A: From lower border of mandible to superficial fascia of skin of neck over clavicle
Fx: Wrinkles anterior nuccal skin
Zygomaticus major
A: From zygomatic bone to angle of mouth
Fx: Raises buccal angle