Craniofacial Muscles Flashcards
How many buccolabial muscles are there?
Where is the orbicularis oris located and what are some functions included?
Around the lips
lip pouting, puckering, compressing, closes mouth, assists in speech & expressions
Where is the buccinator located and what are some functions included?
offers protection to cheek from mastication, prevents contents from escaping oral vestibule & compresses inflation of the cheek
Where is the levator labii superiors located and what are some functions included?
Nasal & upper lip area
assists in elevating & everting with buccolabial muscles, grinning & smiling
Where is the depressor labii inferioris located and what are some functions included?
Chin, surrounding mentalis
positions lips, controls shape of lips, & controls movement of lips
What is an another name for the depressor labii inferioris?
Where is the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi located and what are some functions included?
Runs from upper nose to lower nose
elevates & everts upper lip &, shapes nasal furrow
Where is the mentalis located and what are some functions included?
Center chin
depresses or everts lower lip, shapes lip for drinking & such, & sadness, doubt
Where is the risorius located and what are some functions included?
Runs from outer cheek to inside lip
pulls muscles in face to produce a smile
Where is the levator anguli oris located and what are some functions included?
Aligned from mid nasal to corner lips
elevate lips & smile
Where is the depressor anguli oris located and what are some functions included?
Triangular muscle on each side of chin
depresses mouth, anger, sadness, speaking, & eating
Where is the zygomaticus major located and what are some functions included?
Extends from cheek to corner mouth
elevates, everts mouth, & produces smile
Where is the zygomaticus minor located and what are some functions included?
Right above zygomaticus major
smile, frown, & grimace
How many nasal muscles are there?
Where is the nasalis located and what are some functions included?
Covers entire nose, flaring nostrils, sneezing, & enhances deep breathing
What are the two parts of the nasalis?
Alar (front) & transverse (dorsum)
Where is the procerus located and what are some functions included?
Triangular in between eyebrows, eyebrow movement & facial expressions
How many eyelid muscles are there?
Where is the orbicularis oculi located and what are some functions included?
Around the entire eye, closes & opens eyes, protects eyes, & facilitates eyes.
How many parts are there in orbicularis oculi, what are they, & where are they located?
3, orbital part, upper part- below eyebrow
palpebral part, central part- eyelids
deep palpebral part, under eye- lower lid & below
Where is the corrugator supercilii located and what are some functions included?
Eyebrows, raises eyebrows
How many cranium & neck muscles are there?
Where is the occipitofrontalis located and what are some functions included?
forehead and back of head, scalp movement, elevates forehead, & wrinkles forehead
How many parts are there to the occipitofrontalis, what are they, & where are they?
2, frontal part- forehead
occipital part- back, lower, head
Where is the platysma located and what are some functions included?
chin, ascends neck to collarbone/shoulder region, assists with mouth movement
How many ear muscles are there?
Where is the auricular located and what are some functions included?
ear and around ear, assists in yawning, smiling, & flexing ears
How many parts are there in the auricular, what are they, & where are they?
3, auricularis anterior- below temples
auricularis posterior- behind ear
auricularis superior- above ears/ side of head