Cranial Nerves and Cranial Nerve Testing Flashcards
Olfactory nerve
Special Sensory - Smell
Optic nerve
Special Sensory - Sight
Oculomotor nerve (entirely motor)
Somatic Motor - supplies innervation to 4 of the 6 extraocular muscles (superior, medial, inferior rectus muscles, inferior oblique) and the levator palpebrae superioris which raises the eyelids
Visceral Motor - innervates smooth muscle of the eyeball, pupillary constrictor (constricts pupil) and ciliary muscles (change lens shape)
Trochlear nerve
Somatic Motor - innervates superior oblique muscle of eyeball (turns eye downward and laterally)
Trigeminal nerve (opthalamic division, maxillary division, mandibular division)
Abducens nerve
Facial nerve
Vestibulochochlear nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Vagus nerve
Accessory nerve
Hypoglossal nerve
CN I Testing
Patient is seated with eyes closed or blindfolded. Therapist places an item with a familiar odor under the patient’s nostril and the patient is asked to identify the odor.
Positive test may be indicated by an inability to identify familiar odors (Olfactory nerve).
CN III Testing
Patient is seated and asked to follow an object such as a pen with their eyes as it is moved vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. Make sure the patient does not rotate their head during the testing and should inspect the patent’s eyes for symmetry and ptosis.
Positive test is indicated by an identified tracking deficit, asymmetry or ptosis .
CN II Testing
Patient is standing at a selected distance from a chart or diagram. Therapist asks the patient to identify objects or read selected items from the chart of diagram.
Positive test may be indicated by an inability to identify objects at a reasonable distance (Optic nerve).
CN IV Testing
Patient is seated and asked to follow an object like a pen with their eyes as it is moved in an inferior and lateral direction. Therapist should make sure the patient does not move their head downward.
Positive test is indicated by an inability to depress the eyes and/or complaints of diplopia
CN V Testing
Patient is seated and asked to close their eyes. Therapist uses a piece of cotton and safety pin to alternately touch patient’s face. Patient is asked to classify each contact with “sharp” or “dull”.
Positive test for sensory component may be identified as inability to differentiate between sharp and dull.
Motor component is tested by asking patient to perform mandibular protrusion, retrusion, and lateral deviation.
Positive test for motor component may be indicated by impaired ability to mov the mandible through listed motions.
CN VI Testing
Patient is sitting, therapist asks patient to abduct their eyes without rotating their head,
Positive test if unable to abduct eyes.
CN VII Testing
Patient is seated and asked to distinguish between sweet and salty substances placed on the anterior portion of their tongue.
Motor component is tested by testing strength of muscles involved in facial expression through asking patient to perform specific facial expressions.
Positive tests may be indicated if patient is unable to accurately identify sweet and salty substances or mimic selected facial expressions due to muscle impairment.
CN VIII Testing
Patient seated in quiet environment, therapist is positioned behind the patient
CN IX Testing
CN X Testing
Patient is seated, therapist touches the pharynx with a tongue depressor.
Positive test may be indicated by a lack of gagging or an inability to feel the tongue depressor touch the back of the throat.
CN XI Testing
Patient is seated with arms at side. Therapist asks patient to shrug their shoulders and maintain the position while the therapist applies resistance though the shoulder in the direction of shoulder depression.
Positive test may be indicated by an inability to maintain the test position against resistance.
CN XII Testing
Patient is seated and therapist asks the patient to protrude the tongue.
Positive test may be indicated by an inability to fully protrude the tongue or the tongue deviating to one side during protrusion.